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Who was he?

The flickering of the campfire burned tonight as I, Percy Jackson, looked behind the shadows of the trees. Stepped from no where in particular came a messy-looking, raven-haired, dark-eyed, boy, with a silver ring of a skull on his hand.

Nico Di Angelo stood in front of me. He didn't look as sleepy as normal, as the black bags usually under his eyes were lighter and smaller. And for some strange reason, he didn't look as moody with himself as normal either. [1]

"Everyone!" He said, in a clear but muffled voice, "I want you to meet someone!"

The heads of many turned to meet Nico's black ones. For a split moment our eyes met, and his face changed into a slight, vengeful smirk. I had a feeling that I would not like what happens next.

Someone poked their head out from behind Hade's son. Stunning short blonde hair, although tilted with brown, royal-blue eyes that went beyond the colour of the depths of any ocean. White specks that glowed shined and outlined to the points of his eyes.

But the most stunning part of this boy was his expression. Soft and tender, yet hard and cold, somehow also quiet but screaming for attention. I really want to know how he does that. Everyone around the campfire is completely silent now, completely immersed in the boy.

Except me.

For any number of reasons, I felt a bad omen creeping onto my bone of my back. Whoever this boy was, I felt... no, I knew that he would lead Camp Half-Blood to total destruction. With a power so strong he would charm anyone and everyone into doing anything.

"H-hi..." whispered he as the entire camp hanged on his every word. "I-i'm Izaiah... umm... I hope for us to all get along?"

No. We never will. I knew that.

Suddenly a symbol burned as a bolt of lightning glowed above Izaiah's head. Gray clouds surrounded the deserted golden shape as everyone now moved their eyes to the sign above this boy's head.

"Oh..." Said Chiron, "Hail, Izaiah Beam-Thunder, son of Zeus!!"


Zeus had broken his oath, twice now. The unbelievable truth sank in now as I stared at Izaiah, eyes wide in both distrust and question.

Without any warning, the camp split into applause for our newest member. The only one that didn't clap was me, who Annabeth nudged and I slowly clapped. A death glare from Wise Girl changed that.


Within weeks Izaiah settled down as a normal camper, except for the fact that he was Zeus' son. He fit it more well then me, and he, without anyone (but me) noticing, began to manipulate.

I know that you all thought that i was a genius. I'm really not.


But even I could tell that there was something wrong. Izaiah would say loudly, "boxes," then twenty people would come rushing over, taking boxes and giving them to him. Or on any given day he would be like, "Oh, my shoe is dirty!" then female campers (mostly from the Aphrodite cabin) would come offering male shoes that they stole.

Slowly, I realized that he was taking over the camp.

And one day, as I was patching up the fourth wall, a loud BOOM!! came from the front entrance.

Monsters were crowding around the gate, swarming in by the second.

And someone let them in.

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