TMNT Boyfriend Scenarios

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Title says it all. I don't own anything except the plots.


(Note: Book never reaches mature point)


(Couldn't find it or a photo of the cover, basically it's the turtles w/weapons out.)


Hello, readers! Welcome! I will be doing a scenario for each of the turtles and, if you really want, I can do Splinter too. Let me know in the comments! If you have any scenarios that you want me to do, let me know! If you want to request a scenario but someone else has already requested it, reply "I vote this one" or something along that line. Anyway! Let get the Scenarios coming.

When You First Meet


You smiled as you made your way back to your house. You had just left your babysitting job for the night and it was awfully dark. The parents of the child you had been babysitting had given you a much deserved raise. You stop when you hear a cry for help in an alley. A small kitten was stuck or hurt.

You walk into the alley carefully and look around. Suddenly, you got jumped. People wearing all black, minus a mask, had attacked you.

"Help! Somebody help!", You yelled.

They held you down as their friends checked you for money. They pulled out your recently earned money and you glared at them.

"Hey! Give that back!", You yelled and strugged against the people holding you.

A figure suddenly appeared and you were set free. The grip on your arms and legs were gone. You spotted them all running off, your money scattered all over the ground beneath you.

"Let me help.", The figure said and helped you pick up your money, "There you go."

"Thanks.", You said as you took the money, you noticed he was missing a few fingers, "Who are you?"

The light above you flickered on and you gasped. In front of you was a green turtle standing on two legs with a blue mask and katanas on his shell.

"Aren't you afraid?", He asked.

"Why would I be? You just saved me.", I said, "I'm (Y/N)."

"Pretty name. I'm Leonardo but you can call me Leo.", He said, "Want me to walk you home?"

You nodded and the two of you headed to your house. When you arrived, he left. You couldn't help but smile.


Growling to yourself, you headed home. Your so-called friends had ditched you again. You were starting to get really annoyed with them. You heard something behind you and stopped.

"Ha, ha, very funny you guys. Why'd you ditch me?", You asked and turned around.

In front of you were identical men, seven of them. You backed up.

"The one known as (Y/N) must come with the ones known as Kraang.", One of them said.

"How about no.", You said.

"You are now told as what is known as: too bad.", Another one said and grabbed you.

"Hey! Let me go!", You yelled, "Someone help!"

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