Remember Me

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These are animals who lived and have died. This book is a way for us to remember and recognize some of the greatest animals who were once alive. In this book, you may see cats, dogs, pigs, goats, cows, horses, sheep, or even lions. Every animal is welcome.



There was none.


Hello, reader! I have a few things to inform you about.

1: Please, respect the chapters in this book as they are REAL pets that once walked with us.

2: Please, do not judge the pets and say "oh, that's dumb" or "stupid dog" as it is hurtful for the owner.

3: I accept some "reviews". Please don't comment on the following:
3a: Please don't ask when I'm going to do your pet - I do things in the order in which I receive them. Know that you may have been the 15th person to email me and I will get to you.
3b: Misused expressions - People do this a lot in my school and at home. I don't need it from my readers.
3c: Small mistakes such as grammar errors or capitalization errors - My friend had mentioned that she sometimes gets this on her books so I figured I'd just put it out there.
3d: Updates - You may ask about the progress but please don't ask me to update constantly and add crying emojis. I've seen this on other books.

4: I'm human. I make mistakes.

5: Published parts may get published multiple times. This is due to a glitch on my side, typing error, or a major part got deleted. They may have been edited or altered as well.

That's all for now! Enjoy the story!


Want to star YOUR PET in this book? Did you lose a best friend and want to share your memory? You've come to the right place!

Share your story as well as a picture of your pet to

Please leave your username, the name, age, breed, and gender of your pet along with the story you'd like to share. When you send the email, make sure that under "Subject" you write: The Story About My ___(Insert Species)___, ____(Insert Name)____

Emailing will be nicer as I can tell who emailed me when to get them in order. I still haven't gotten used to what comment happened first or last so I think this will be a better alternative. You will also get to choose the title of the chapter that your pet is starred in. For example, say I had a horse that I named Speed. This is what the email would look like.


Subject: The Story About My Horse, Speed

Speed was a purebred Thoroughbred. My horse was 25 when he died. I had him for 15 years. Speedy was born on the farm 10 years before me. When I was 8, my mom told me how Speed never left my side. Strangely enough, I had been born in his stall. It was fate. My mom had been cleaning his stall when her water broke. She had slipped and injured her leg. It hurt to move it. When my dad called the hospital, they helped her deliver. My mom told me that Speed actually licked me clean while my mom held me. As I grew older, I always wandered off. The first time I had wandered, my mom freaked out and called the authorities. Speed ended up lifting me up by the hood of my jacket and walked all the way to the front door of my house. When my mom walked outside, she saw me in his mouth. I laugh every time my mom tells me the story. By the time I was old enough to ride, I felt like I had ridden for years. That spring, I entered in the annual race in Canterbury Park. Speed and I had prepared all year for this race. We got first place! Mom was so proud of us and I was proud of Speed. Every year, we competed in different races. I was so proud whether we got first, second, third or even last. I was just proud that he finished. About a week before he died, he started biting his flank. Real bad. I had feared for the worst. When the vet came, she confirmed my worst fear. Speed had colic. What type, we didn't know. The vet gave him some pain medication that we had to inject into his neck. Two days later, he passed. The vet had asked to do an autopsy to determine what colic he had and how severe. I agreed. Turns out, Speed had strangulation colic. I always remember the good times, but sometimes the good times make me cry. The day after Speed died, I had forgotten all about it. I ran out of the house to give him some of his favorite oats. I even grabbed his bridal and lead. When I saw that his stall was empty, I remember he died and I cry. It was really hard when he died. It still is. . .

Your Reader,

Now, before you comment "oh, that's so sad", I've never had a horse in my life. I just made up this story to give you an idea on what to email. I will, however, be writing the first chapter based on my pet.

Chapter 1: Buttons

Unfortunately, I can't find a photo of my pet but here's one close to him that I found on the internet. (I did not insert the photo but it's a vanilla-colored pug)

My pet is a Pug named Buttons. He sounded like a pig when he snorted. Lol! He was 13 or 14 when he passed away. Buttons loved two things: snoring and sleeping. I met him when he was about 11 or 12 years old. So, I only knew him for a year or two. However, that doesn't mean that he wasn't a great dog to hang around with or that I didn't know anything about him. Buttons was well trained. On command (or whenever he wanted) he would go into his kennel. Buttons loved his kennel. Usually, he was a quiet dog. When I left for school, he would lay down in his kennel and fall asleep. Around 2:30, when I got home, he would wait for me at the door and wag his curly tail when he saw me. When my mom was home, she tried playing with him and getting him to come out of his kennel. He wouldn't. Only when his owner or I got home would he come out. Now, Pugs are a small breed. I'm not a fan of small breeds. Mostly because when you're walking around the kitchen either putting dishes away or making a meal, they would be right beneath you and cause you to lose balance when you step backwards. One time, my mom and her partner (Buttons' true owner) were in the kitchen fooling around with bubbles from the dish soap. Buttons wanted part of the action so he ran around and tried to catch the bubbles before they popped. He was unsuccessful. My mom ended up tripping over him and fell into the fridge. Luckily, the fridge could take a beating or two. Buttons used to follow everyone around the house and would bark when someone tried to leave. Mostly because his owner ended up having an accident at work and ended up at the hospital for a week. Buttons passed the night before my 7th grade choir concert. He had died of natural causes. The loss of our beloved pet had caused a huge hole in the family. His owner refused to get another dog for two years.

Now, we have an annoying Jack Russell Terrier who won't stop squeaking like a freaking squeaky toy. Every time you touch her, she squeaks! She hates people and barks at the neighbors. She's the exact opposite of Buttons.


Now that you've read my story on my dog, will you share yours? It doesn't have to be your pet, it can be your aunts, grandpa's, or your best friend's. Just. . . make sure they're okay with it before you email me all the required information as I don't want to upset anyone. Anyway, see you all in the next one!

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