Chapter 7

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I wake up feeling groggy, and rub my eyes. When I sit up, there is a man standing at the door of the computer lab.

"Hello? What in the world are you doing here?" He looks at me, piercing me with his vibrant blue eyes.


Words start to form in my mouth. "Hello," I say quietly.

The man looks at me, raising his eyebrow. I try to read his face and figure out what he's thinking, but I don't really get anything.

"What are you doing here?" he asks patiently.

It takes me what seems like hours to respond.

"I saw a supernova two nights ago."

"Where are your parents?"

"They're dead," I answer bluntly.

"Is there anyone I should call or..." he asks, trailing off.

I shake my head.

"What is going on?" he mutters to himself, pacing in circles.

"Why are you here?" he asks again.

"I wanted to come here and... study," I try and answer.

He seems to have no words.

"Okay," he finally says. "You need to go home, or I'm just going to call the police. You shouldn't be here."

"Please don't," I whisper. A terrifying silence floods the room. I desperately look into his eyes.

He moves closer.

"Can you tell me what's going on?"

I don't know how to reply.

"I can't read your mind, little girl. I need you to say something."

I try and respond, reciting the words that normal people say when they introduce themselves to others.

"My name is Nova. I am 10 years old. I live in a house in the countryside with Ms. Worshire, who takes care of me."

He sits down on the chair next to me to gather his thoughts.

"But can you tell me why you came here? Are you lost?"

It takes all my energy to respond to this question.

"I don't want to live with Ms. Worshire anymore. I want to come here and study, so I took all of my things and walked to the campus."

He puts his hands over his face and sighs.

"And what now? Do you just expect me to take care of you and somehow get you enrolled here?"

I don't really know how to answer that question, so I just blink and look at him with my big grey eyes.

He sighs again.

"This is absolutely ridiculous. It's crazy. It's bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S bananas."

I don't say anything.

"Won't people be looking for you?"

It's a valid question, but a question I don't want to think about right now.

"Ms. Worshire is a nice lady," I say, "I just want more than the life I lived with her. We can deal with her when she gets here."

That was already more words than I've said in the past four years.

"Gosh, you are a charming little bastard." He pauses for a moment. "You can stay here with me," he says, finally giving in. "One night."

"Really? I ask, smiling.

"I can't believe I'm actually doing this," he mutters quietly to himself. "Yes. One night," he says to me.

I secretly make a wish that I can stay longer, but at least one night is better than nothing.

We sit in silence for a moment, both contemplating what could be next. Finally, the man breaks the silence with his words. "Well, I'm Nathan. Nathan Brown." He holds out his hand to me.

"I'm Nova," I reply. "Like a supernova," I add cheerfully.

"Hi Nova," he says.

Then, he turns towards the door. "I'm going to my lab," he says, "You coming?"

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