Ch. 5

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Copyright © K.E. Saxon 2010

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author K.E. Saxon, the copyright owner and publisher of this book, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.


Delilah took hold of Chas’s hand and led him down the hall to her bedroom. He didn’t protest when she pressed him into a sitting position on the edge of her bed. She felt the weight of his gaze following her around her bedchamber as she lit candles, dimmed lights, and chose her favorite mood music from her iPod.

Next she pulled the red satin and black lace heart g-string from the bag he’d brought and handed it to him. “Take your clothes off and put this on while I’m gone.”

“But, I thought—this is yours!”

The look of horror on Chas’s face came near to ruining Delilah’s act. She controlled the grin that threatened by glaring at him with narrowed eyes and pursed lips. “No, pet. Tonight, they’re yours.” She turned her back on him and strode over to her closet, taking out her boots and domme outfit. The smile she sent him as she slowly swept the door to the master bath closed had become her signature in the business; it was one of dark desire and profound promise, and it gave her an unimaginable thrill when she saw the primal heated response from him in the flare of his nostrils and the sharp intake of breath.

“See you in a moment,” she purred.

Thankfully, she’d placed her Kama sutra picture book on a shelf in the bathroom cabinet and she took a brief moment to study a few of the photographs, memorizing hand and body placement.

Finally, she took in a deep breath and closed the glossy cover. Okay. You can do this. Her hand shook a little as she returned the book to its hiding place on the back of the third shelf. Just do your routine. No big deal. She nibbled on her thumbnail. Only this time, you’ll follow through with the promise.

* * *

Chas was so turned on, he could hear the rush of blood through his veins. He resisted an urge to readjust his cock inside the satin-soft g-string. Down boy. He was seriously out of his element and just about as embarrassed as he’d ever been, but hot for it, too. Except, of course, there’d be no sex between them. She didn’t have sex with her submissives, she’d told him so. His honorable intentions toward her were safe tonight.

He looked around the room for about the thirtieth time. Decadent. That’s what this was. But—okay—fun.

The music she’d chosen was—interesting. Electronic. Eerie, sexy, moody, and slow, with a female voice running through it that seemed more instrument than tale-teller. There was a promise of depraved sexual encounter inherent in its tone. It made him jittery all over again.

Nothing was turning out as he’d expected. There were the nerves, for one thing. Plus this out of control thing was really doing a number on him. He’d had the notion that it would be more—something—a give-and-take thing, he guessed? Except with toys and leather. But it wasn’t that way at all, and part of him—a surprisingly large part, in fact—didn’t give a damn. Which was scary as hell.

He heard the sound of the faucet in the next room. Goosebumps formed on his arms. What other crazy stuff was she going to want him to do? Would handcuffs be involved?

Before his imagination had traveled more than a pace down that path of sexual intrigue, she was there in the doorway. A sinful, dangerous silhouette holding her black leather flogger in one hand and dangling a blindfold in the other. The image decimated his tenaciously held honor and captured his starved libido in one fell swoop.

Diamonds and Toads (A Modern Fairy Tale) PART ONE: DIAMONDSOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz