One Date In The Three Broomsticks

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(In the last chapter you did not attend the the other lectures and stayed in your room 'cause you were not in a mood and your mind was occupied by thought's of Tom's date proposal. Besides it was history of magic and care of magical creatures by professor Binns and professor Kettleburn)

Emma came in and shouted," what the bloody hell was that!!!!??"

"What??", you asked innocently.

Oh no!! Salazar please help!! She is my best friend and i know what is going to ask.....why do i even know that......that makes me even more nervous!!!

"Miss <y/n><y/ln>!! You think you could lie to your best friend!! Well then let me specify- WHAT WAS THAT IN THE POTIONS CLASS??!! Now do you know WHAT am i talking about!", she said. She had a teasing smirk.

"", you didn't know what to say. You thought she wouldn't like you being with him or the 'chemistry' or whatever that was.

"Dude.....whatever that was just fucking awesome......that sexual tension!! Oh my God!!! Even Slughorn was staring at you guys and-", Emma was now interrupted by you-

"Eewwwww!!Gross!!Now please stop, will you? I don't want to hear any further, besides there was no sexual tension, you idiot!", you told her.

"No-" , she said, but looking at the expression she said,"Okay fine princess..... tell me everything!"

You went on into the complete cauldron story and how later he asked you on a date.

"OMG!! That cauldron must be preserved with your names on it!! Tom Riddle × <y/n><l/n>!! How dreamy! And WAIT, he has asked you out! So lets change your look a bit, i don' t want you to ruin your first date, mate"

She uses magic to give you a proper date look -

"Don't you think it's just too much for a date?", you asked

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"Don't you think it's just too much for a date?", you asked.

"No princess! It is not! Besides you are going on your first date, with none other than the most charming guy in our year. I don't want it to be your last! Bye <y/n>. Enjoy and do tell me what happened!", she said.

You actually liked your look but felt like it was just too much for a casual date. But then as you headed down, you thought Emma was right, Tom looked very charming. He was wearing -

 He was wearing -

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