Chapter 15: She's Mine

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Jason's POV

As I went to grab the car door handle, Steve presses the lock button. "Give me your gun." He says in a stern voice.

"No." I says like a pollutant child.

"Give me the damn gun." Steve rolls his eyes.


"So you don't shoot the man if he says something you don't like." Steve reasons, his face never changing. I however gives him a questioning look. "Look if anything happens I'll shoot the guy myself, plus I know you have your men surrounding this place."

"How'd you figure that?" I asks with a raised brow.

"Can you seriously look me in the eye and tell me that you gonna shoot the man if he says something you don't like?"

I say nothing, just rolls my eyes and reluctantly gives Steve's his gun. I know deep down that Steve rights, I did plan to shoot Carson right between the eyes of he didn't answer my questions in a way that I don't like, but then again I can't just go shooting people at 8:00am, in coffee shop right down the street from my fiancé's place of business. That would bring too much unwanted attention and plus Tiana would never talk to me again.

"Good." Steve smiles. "No go fix this shit."

"Whatever old man."I grumble, hopping out of the car and stepping into the New York morning air. I walk to the coffee shop with my hands stuffed in my pockets. I made my way into the cafe casually, greeted by the site of Carson serving a few customers and telling an employee how to make an Americano.

"So it's four shouts of espresso and heavy cream unless they ask for something different." He explains, before turning around to see me. He straightened up even more so than he already was, and nodded his head at me, as if greeting an old acquaintance.

From his deep voice, to the way he stood, I could tell that Carson was a military man. He actually reminded me of my soon to be father and law. Straight to the point and no nonsense. "What can I help you with man?" He asks.

"Whatever my fiancé's usual is. And make it two." Jason orders, never breaking eye contact with the man in front of him. He was y'all and about the same build as Jason.

"Two black iced coffees with sugar and two banana nut muffins?" He ask, wanting me to clarify.

"Make one of the coffees hot." I tell him, stuffing my hands in my pockets, feeling slightly uneasy without my gun.

"Got it." He nods before turning to make the coffees. "Hey go make sure they good in the back." He said to the trainees, leaving us alone.

"So is there a reason why you're here?"

"Can just get coffee for me and my fiancé?" I asks with a raised brow.

"She's usually in here getting because she says you're too busy." He answers.

"Things change." I shrug. "Plus I figured I'd meet Tiana's new friend."

"Ooohkay..." he says, giving me a once over and clearly not liking the vibe I was giving him, which I don't really care because I don't like him period. His opinion of me means shit. However my girl seems to have a very high opinion of him and I need to know why.

"I don't like you." I say bluntly, "and I don't like the way you are with my woman."

"Well, why don't you tell me how you really feel." He jokes, rolling his eyes. "Well I don't know why you don't like me, when I've done nothing to you."

"You wouldn't like the man that was holding hands with your fiancé either, now would you?" I fire back. "I don't like the fact you were holding her hand, and I don't like how you're so comfortable that you have a nickname for her. I don't like the whole vibe you were giving of that day, and to be honest, if it wasn't for the fact that it would upset my Bambina, I would either shoot you, or severely hurt you."

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