Ch.14-Fire Starter

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"What do you mean?" Connor asked, tilting his head as he watched Katie pick up a small rock and examine it.

"I mean..Connor do you even know what a relationship is about? Sure we've swapped stories, but what do you actually like about me?" Katie asked, dropping the rock and picking up a new one. "I can think of so many things that I love and hate about you, but I worry that you only think you love me because of how similar we are. Rather than liking me for me."

Connor stood there and a form of anxiety began to build as his thirium pump started pumping faster. "If there is something I am doing wrong then please tell me, this is the first time I have ever considered having feelings for someone. I apologize for being naive about it, but I am trying."

Katie sighs and nods. "Ok fair enough, I might be a little harsh about this..Let me explain what I think of you first."

She knelt down a little and flicked the rock to the water, it skipped a couple times before sinking, and she started looking for another one. Connor waited patiently for her, then seeing how she shivered from the cold he slipped off his coat and placed it on her shoulders. Katie froze for a moment but then stood up straight and pulled the coat around herself more. "Thanks..sorry I'm not trying to be quiet I'm just thinking about how to give you an example."

"Rather than trying to pinpoint one thing you like about me, why not tell me all of it?" Connor suggested.

"Connor that would be near to impossible, there's so many things I like about you." Katie said, looking at him.

"Just a few things then? The more examples I have the better I can understand what you are worried about." Connor replied.

Katie took a moment to think before nodding. "Ok..well, I think you're brave although a little reckless, I love that because you put others well being above your own. But at the same time It scares me that you'll be hurt beyond repair..I love how smart you are, whenever I'm so insecure and you pull out one of your wild facts. You listen and understand me, and I love it when you hold me because it makes me feel as if I have someone I can be defenseless to. I think you're the only person who has seen me at my weakest point."

Connor listened, not wanting to interrupt her, but she seemed stuck. Her mouth opening and closing as she tried to speak. "Is that all?"

"Oh god no!" Katie said quickly. "Connor there are so many things that I love about you and hate all at the same time, not a bad hate, just the kind of hate that makes me worried about you. But god no Connor there are so many things I love about you. The dedication to your job, your friendliness, you're beyond handsome."

As she spoke her thirium pump seemed to accelerate to the point her mind was warning her about overheating, making Connor react and cup her face. "Katie, calm down, you will overheat yourself."

"That's it!" Katie exclaimed. "A good sign you like someone is you have no idea what to do! You overheat out of worry or you wonder how they are constantly or what you can do to make things better between each other-"

She clearly wasn't listening so Connor knelt down and scooped up some snow before dropping the snow on her head, which in turn flaked over the jacket. But it was enough to stop her from panicking, instead she looked at him in surprise and was even more surprised when she saw the smile on his face. He said nothing and let the snow melt on her head, which made her hair shimmer and somehow add to her beauty.

"I believe I understand. Love is a state of wanting to care and respect the person you have deep feelings for. Someone that does not think you any less for mistakes, quirks, or secrets. Essentially trusting someone literally with your life, and knowing they will not hurt you." Connor described. "Am I correct?"

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