39 - Escape Room

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I'll be honest- this has been one of my favorite chapters to write... it doesn't do much plot wise but it's really long and I dunno thought it featured a pair not mentioned very much. It's long enough already I'm done :) Make sure to comment and vote, let me know how you like this disaster.


Ian's heart pounded so loud, he thought the entire world could hear it. He couldn't remember a single thing. He held his head, confused. His fingers paused on a plastic tube behind his ear, and he noticed he had an oxygen tank hooked up to his back, leading into each nostril. He sucked in air gratefully. He then groaned and clutched his belly. He slid out of the seat he was in and crumpled to the ground, moaning.

"Ian!" A voice screamed to him. His vision was blurry, but he made out a tall figure with a familiar streak of blue hair.

"Damien," Ian croaked out, groaning. Even with the oxygen pumping into him, he found he could hardly breathe. He tried to hoist himself up, but his body convulsed and he fell again.

"Dude!" Damien cried, running up to Ian. He embraced Ian, who responded with a fit of coughs. "Oh, god, you're so pale..." Damien remarked, his brown eyes wide with concern. "We have to get you out of here."

"Damien," Ian croaked again. Blood dripped from his crimson lips. His eyes could barely stay open, and the rest of his face was as white as a sheet. He slumped over into Damien's arms, heaving, shutting his eyes. This was it. He was going to die. Finally. Took him falling from a blown hospital (his fault), being kidnapped (probably his fault), and being put into a coma (definitely his fault).

"Oh my god, oh my god," Damien quietly freaked out, his eyes glossy. "Ian. Ian! Please stay... awake..." He was going to say alive, but he stopped himself.

"Where's... where's... where's everyone..." Ian stammered out in between heavy breaths.

Damien swallowed. "They're- okay. It'll be okay." He tried to convince himself. One of his friends was non-existent, his other friend dying in his arms. What the fu(bleep) was his life? "Shayne is... he's not Shayne anymore." Damien sighed. "I don't know what happened to him. I just want this nightmare to be over."

"Don't we all," Ian muttered, then groaned, curling over his stomach.

"I'm sorry," Damien squeaked.

"Why... why... why are you...?" Ian gasped out.

"Because here I am, complaining, and you're literally about to die-"

Ian shook his head slowly. "You... you aren't complaining. You... you're... just..." he paused. "Speaking out... what you want to see. There's no... harm... in..." Ian stopped. More blood gushed out of him, covering his oxygen tubes with sticky red fluid.

"Okay, buddy," Damien said hurriedly. "Let's stop talking now. That only seems to make you worse. I can't lose you, too," Damien said under his breath.

Ian let out a shuddery breath. "What do you mean... that Shayne...?"

"He's Courtney Freakin' Miller now," Damien shuddered. "It was like a werewolf thing, almost. It was traumatizing."

Ian's eyes shut again, and he gritted his teeth. "Please tell me... everything... will be over soon..." Ian gasped through staggered breathing. "Why aren't you... you with them...?"

"Your trance thing must've wore off when you knocked me out... I guess I need more training," he quietly joked, then added, "but... you allowed yourself to be used just to save us from harm... why?" A small grateful smile appeared on his face.

"I... I hurt... I hurt you?" Ian asked in quiet shock, studying the dried blood.

"Yes," Damien admitted. He saw Ian's face change and quickly added, "but I'm okay! Promise. Just rest, okay man?" Damien held Ian close. "All of this will be over soon."

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