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Chapter One - Lost

Izuku Midoryia groaned as he woke up. He was laying in a hospital bed. His left arm was in a cast. Midoryia turned seeing his mentor, All Might sitting down. "All Might?" Midoryia asked, his voice raspy. "Young Midoryia, it's good to see yo awake," All Might said smiling at him.

"What happen?" Midoryia asked. "We found you laying in a beach, you were unconscious," All Might said. "Where's Y/n?" Midoryia asked. "Young Y/n wasn't found with you. She's missing." All Might said.

"W-What?" Midoryia asked as he sit up. "Don't worry, we send heroes out to look for her. Fatgum, Midnight, Eraserhead, and others are searching for her," He said.

"I-I have to help," Midoryia said trying to get up. "No, you need to rest. Young Y/n wouldn't want to see you getting more hurt over her," All Might said. Midoryia whimpered as he laid back down. "Now, tell me. What happen?" All Might asked.

Midoryia thought about it.

His eyes widen. "I-I don't remember," he cried.

Two weeks later
Hawks, the number two hero was flying around the beach. He looked around before seeing a body on the ground. He landed as he got more close before he was shocked. It was a young girl with long c/h hair wearing a hero suit. Her stomach was pierced as her dull eyes look at him. She was smiling but it seem like she was crying.

"Oh my god," Hawks muttered to himself. He grabbed his phone. "Yo Endeavor. I found her," he said.

The body was surrounded by heroes and cops. They took the large piece of wood out of the girl's stomach. Eraserhead stare at his student. He looked away as he sigh. How can he tell his students that one of them is dead? He couldn't. Eraserhead got up as he turned seeing Midoryia seeing her body.

"Midoryia" he thought.

He let out a screamed as he tried to get to her only to be blocked by cops. "NO, THAT'S MY GIRLFRIEND! LET ME BE WITH HER!" Midoryia screamed.

He then use his quirk as he jumped over them as he ran towards them. He was sobbing as he touch her cheek. Her face was cold.

"Come on baby, you have to look at me. Come on," He shaking said. The girl said nothing as she look at him. "Please Y/n,. Please baby, talk to me," Midoryia begged.

"Midoryia," Shoto Aizawa said. "No, she's not dead!" Midoryia said. Aizawa let out a sigh as he use his quirk stopping Midoryia from using his quirk then Midoryia passed out. Midnight came walking in as she looked heartbroken. "Take the body away," she said softly.

They took her body away from Midoryia.

When Class 1A heard the news, everyone was heartbroken. Some cried, others are denied, some are angry and sad. Their friend were gone.

A month later
Midoryia was in the girl's room. He didn't get move. He laid in her bed as he refuse to leave or let anyone move her stuff. "Y/n...did you think of me when you were dying? Or was is too fast?" Midoryia wondered. He look at the picture of her and him together smiling.

Tears went on his cheeks. "Y/n...please come back to me. I can't do this without you," Midoryia begged as he bang his head on the bed.

"Deku?" he heard a voice said. He look over seeing Ochaco Uraraka looking at him with worried in her eyes. "You miss the funeral," She said softly.

Midoryia didn't respond.

"We all miss her, Deku. I...I know how you feel. We all loved Y/n so much," Uraraka said. Midoryia glare at her. "No. None of you known how I felt." He growled. "Deku, please. Come back to class," Uraraka begged. "I can't. I can't keep on doing this without Y/n," He cried.

"Y/n would want you to keep on going. She'll be heartbroken seeing you like this," Uraraka said as she moved to his side. Midoryia said nothing as he put his head on her shoulder while he weep. Uraraka blushed as she took his hand. Midoryia sniffed as he look up seeing him and Uraraka in Y/n's mirror.

His eyes widen as he got up. "Deku? What's wrong?" Uraraka asked looking at him with confusion. "It's your fault. That night when Y/n and I fought? I went to you and...we" he stopped talking. Uraraka looked away as she said nothing. "I didn't force you to kiss back, Deku" she said softly.

"Shut up. You know I love Y/n." he growled. "I don't want to do it again when Y/n's gone. She'll come back" Midoryia said anger raising up.

"She's dead, Deku. You saw her body!" Uraraka shouted. "SHUT UP!" Midoryia screamed as he slammed his fists on Y/n's wall, leaving a hole. Midoryia was shocked as he turned his body away from her. "Go away, Uraraka. Please leave me alone for a while" he said.

Uraraka had tears going on her cheeks as she turned and ran off crying. Midoryia said nothing as he stare with no expression in his eyes.

"Midoryia, was that necessary?" he heard Shoto Todoroki asked. "Go away, Todoroki. I don't want to talk to anyone," Midoryia said. "Look, what she did. I understand why you're angry but yelling at her won't bring Y/n back," Todoroki said.

"I SAID SHUT UP!" Midoryia screamed.

Todoroki said nothing as he looked at his friend. "I'm here, Midoryia. I won't let you be alone," he said as he sat down while Midoryia continue to cry. "Why? Why her?! Why did she have to leave me behind?!" Midoryia whimpered. Todoroki let out a sigh as he look at the picture.

"I'm sure she didn't mean to leave you behind," Todoroki said softly.

Four years later
Twenty one year old, Izuku Midoryia was known as Deku. He had finish on becoming a pro hero. Now he can reach more of his goals. He and Uraraka talked and then after they graduate, they were dating.

Everyone in the media loved Deku with Uravity. Almost every fans shipped them together. But when Deku saved a girl from a fire.

The little girl ask him a question almost making him to have a panic attack.

"Why did you move on from Y/n? Deku?" the girl asked.

After that day, Midoryia throw up in the bathroom as he was sobbing uncontrollably as his heart ache for Y/n. Uraraka did everything she could to calm him down.

"Morning, babe," Midoryia said as he kiss her forehead. Uraraka smiled. "Morning, Izuku" she said happily. Midoryia sat down as he started to eat his breakfast. "So I was thinking, maybe we should get marry," Uraraka said blushing. Midoryia coughed.

"What? We're so young," Midoryia said. "Yeah I know but I want us to get closer and everyone is expecting a ring soon," Uraraka said.

Midoryia was quiet. "And I think it's time you move on fully," she said softly. "What do you mean?" he asked looking at her. "I mean Y/n. Y/n's been dead for five years. Izuku. Please every time someone mention her, you have a breakdown. You always think about her. I want you just to forget about her and think about me," Uraraka said.

Midoryia couldn't help but felt upset. "Ochaco. You knew how special Y/n was to me," Midoryia said. Uraraka said nothing.

Midoryia sigh as he reach his hand to hers. "I'm sorry, Ochaco. How about we go somewhere special?" he asked smiling at her. Uraraka smiled as she nodded. "I'm sorry too," she said as she kissed him. Midoryia kissed back as he pulled away seeing an older Y/n smiling at him.

His eyes wide. "Izuku, I love you" Uraraka said smiling as he blinked seeing her instead of Y/n.

Midoryia was patrolling again as he was thinking. "Why can't I get over Y/n. I mean what Ochaco said about forgetting her was bit far but still. I can't get over Y/n. I thought maybe with Ochaco, I can be happy again. But it's not the same," he mumbled.

He sigh as he looked up staring at the sky. Then a woman came bumping into him. "S-Sorry," she squealed as she kept running. Midoryia blinked as he look at the woman. He felt something was wrong so he went after her thinking she need saving.

"Please, Shiga. I didn't mean to disappear," the woman begged. "Did anyone see you?" Tomura Shigaraki demanded. The c/h hair woman shook her head. "I-I don't think so," she said.

"Shigaraki? I thought he disappeared? Why is he back?" Midoryia thought. The woman face turned as Midoryia's heart dropped.

"Y-Y/n?" he asked.

"Dammit, Y/n. You lead HIM here," Shigaraki growled. "I-I'm sorry, Shigaraki" Y/n cried. "Kurogiri take her out of here," Shigaraki said scratching his neck.

A portal came as Y/n was shaking. "Y/n...Y/n..." Midoryia said as he ran to her. Y/n tried to get in the portal only for Midoryia to use 10 percent to jump over to get to Y/n. He picked her up as he jumped more high.

"DAMMIT!" Shigaraki growled as he stare where Y/n was.

Y/n held onto Midoryia's neck as she whimpered. Midoryia landed on a building as he gently put her down. "Y/n, you're alive," he cried out happy as he touch her cheeks.

Y/n's body was shaking as she put her hands up. "P-Please don't hurt me," she begged. Midoryia blinked. "Y/n? It's me. It's Izuku" Midoryia said taking his mask off as he look at her.

Y/n's dull eyes look at his green warmth.

"I-I don't know you. Please don't hurt me. I'm sorry" Y/n cried. Midoryia was shocked as he stare at her. He felt heartbroken.

"I don't know you" she repeated the words over again.

Midoryia shook his head. He'll figure that out later. Right now he had to take her to his apartment. But one problem. What he is going to do with Ochaco?

Y/n whimpered as she tried to walk away only to Midoryia to gently grabbed her wrist. "My name is Izuku Midoryia. I'm going to save you, Y/n. I'm a friend. Please don't be scared of me," he said.

Y/n looked at him. "I have to go back to him," Y/n whimpered. "No, you don't. You're going to be safe now, Y/n. I won't let that bastard hurt you again," he said kissing her forehead. Y/n whimpering quiet down as she hugged him. Midoryia was shocked but he smiled as he hugged back.

He pulled away gently as he touch her cheeks. Y/n look at him. He leaned toward her face as he kissed her. Y/n was shocked.

"He's...so warm" she thought.
"I got her back....Ochaco going to be mad....but Y/n's back" Midoryia thought as he continue to kiss Y/n.

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