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Chapter Two - Heartaches

Y/n was on Midoryia's back as Midoryia was walking back to his apartment. He looked at her as she was sleeping soundly. Midoryia was smiling as he looked ahead. When he got there, he opened the door as he entered inside. He use the elevator up as he walked in. He went to his room as he opened the door. He walked in as he sat her down gently on the couch. He put a blanket on her as he grabbed his phone.

Izu: Ochaco, we need to talk
Och: What's wrong?
Izu: I found Y/n
Och:....Are you sure?
Izu: It's her, I know it is.
Ocho: Izu...you're with me now. Do you still have feelings for Y/n?

Midoryia put his phone down as he covered his face with his hands. He let out a groaned. "Are you okay?" Y/n asked as he looked up seeing her looking at him. Midoryia smiled as he touch her hands. "Yeah, I'm fine. How are you feeling? Are you hungry?" he asked.

Y/n nodded. "A bit," she admitted.

"Let me get something ready for you then," he said as he got up. "You know me right?" Y/n asked. Midoryia nodded. "We...were together five years ago." He said. Y/n blinked as she tilt her head. "Where we happy?" Y/n asked. Midoryia nodded as he smiled. "Yeah, we were," he said.

Y/n looked at him, her innocent c/e eyes staring into his green eyes. He kiss her cheek as he went in the kitchen. Y/n watch him before she looked down seeing his phone on.

Ocho: We're done. Goodbye Deku

Y/n blinked as she felt the emotion coming from the text. She sniffed as she was crying. Midoryia heard her crying as he ran back in the living room. "What's wrong?" he asked as he looked at her seeing if she was hurt. "Ochaco is feeling sad and...angry" Y/n growled as she glare at him.

"Oh no," Midoryia groaned seeing the text Ochaco gave him. Y/n slapped his shoulder. "Ow, Y/n what are you-" he began but Y/n kept hitting him while crying. "She feel so betrayed and angry," she cried as she slapped his shoulder again and again.

Midoryia grabbed her wrists as he pulled her towards him. Y/n was sniffing as he hugged her. "I...I'm sorry. My quirk does that. If someone has feelings even on the phone, I can sense it and have the feelings too," Y/n mumbled. Midoryia blinked as he look at her.

"That...not your quirk," he said softly as he look at her. Y/n looked at him. "What's wrong?" Y/n asked. Midoryia hugged her tight. "Y/n...what the hell did Shigaraki do to you, baby?" he asked as he kiss her shoulder. Y/n slowly blinked. "I...I don't understand. What do you mean?" Y/n asked.

Midoryia shook his head. "Let's go to bed," he said softly as he picked him up. Midoryia gently took her hand as she got up and follow him.

Midoryia opened his bedroom door as Y/n entered. "You can take the bedroom, I'll sleep on the couch." Midoryia said. Y/n held his hand tight. "Please don't leave me," she said as tears went on her cheeks. Midoryia gulped as he nodded. "O-Okay" he said.

They went to bed as Midoryia turned staring at Y/n. Y/n buried her face in his chest making his whole face red. "Thank you....Deku" Y/n said. Midoryia smiled as he held her tight. "I won't let you go again, Y/n" he whispered kissing her shoulder.

Midoryia woke up seeing Y/n was gone. He was panicking as he sat up. "Y/n? Y/n!?" he called. No answer. Midoryia got up as he was going to look for her only for him to hear humming in the bathroom. He let out a sigh of relief as he smiled. He then realize she was taking a shower before his whole face went red.

Midoryia sat on the chair as he waited patiently. He hummed as he felt himself smiling. Y/n was back and he was happy. Then he heard the door opened. "Y/n, how about we-" he stopped talking as she was just wearing a towel. Her chest showed as Midoryia had a nosebleed.

"Midoryia, are you alright?" Y/n asked worried in her tone as she move towards him. "I-I'm fine, w-why don't you have any clothes?" He asked. "Well, you don't really have anything that I can wear," Y/n said as she squirmed. Midoryia gulped as he nervously look away. Oh he wanted to touch her so bad but he had to control himself. She has no idea who he was to her.

He then notice her scars over her body. "Y/n," he said. Y/n blinked before she saw his eyes on her scars. Y/n turned as she said nothing as she held the towel tight.

"Y/n, what did...they do to you?" he asked as he took a step towards her. "It's nothing, please," Y/n begged her voice cracked.

Midoryia let out a sigh as he backed off. "Okay but if you want to talk about it, I'm here." he said. Y/n nodded as she said nothing.

"I'll go and grabbed you some clothes," he said as he went to his room.

He took a box of Y/n's old things. He pray that they would still fit. He grabbed a shirt and skirt. He came back seeing Y/n looking at the window.

"Y/n?" Midoryia asked. Y/n turned blinking slowly as she saw him looking at her. "Yes," she said. "You can try these on," he said as he handed her the clothes. "Thank you, Midoryia," Y/n said as she got up. She went to the other room to change. Midoryia sigh as he looked at his hands. He'll figure out what happen to Y/n and make sure they won't come near her ever again.

Y/n entered back as she looked shy. Midoryia turned as his eyes widen. The clothes still fitted even after all those years. "How do I look?" Y/n asked.

"Beautiful" Midoryia said smiling at her. Y/n smiled as she nodded. "Thank you," she said as she walked towards him. She sat down as she look at her hands.

"I should probably go home, Shiga might start hurting people if I don't," Y/n said. Midoryia took her hand. "No, you're not going back to that bastard. Y/n. I'm a hero so it's my job protecting everyone and that include you," he said. Y/n's eyes widen as she stare at him.

"Midoryia," she said. He smiled. "I promise we'll get your memories back and you'll find a way back to me," He said kissing her hand.

Y/n stare at him. "Midoryia," she said. He said nothing as he held onto her hand as he look down. Y/n bit her lip as she touch his cheeks making his eyes widen.

"Thank you" she said softly as she gave him a kiss. Midoryia kiss back as he slowly put her on the couch only to get up. He blinked as he blushed. "S-Sorry," he apologies.

"It's fine. I'm use to it," she said.

Midoryia looked at her. "What?" he asked. "I'm use of being touch," Y/n said innocent. Midoryia felt sick. "Y/n, who touched you?" he asked slowly. "Well it depend on who you're talking about?" Y/n said. Midoryia hugged him as tears went on his cheeks.

"Midoryia?" Y/n asked.

"I'm sorry." He said over again. Y/n was confused as Midoryia kept hugging her. Y/n wondered what she said that made him upset. "I'm sorry if I said something," Y/n said. "No, you didn't do anything. Y/n." He said as he held onto her tight. Y/n hugged him back as he kept crying.

Y/n was sleep in Midoryia's room. Midoryia waited for Uraraka to come. The door opened revealing Uraraka. She sigh. "Where is she?" she asked. "In the other room," Midoryia said. Uraraka went to his room as she opened the door. She saw Y/n sleeping as she went back.

"She does look like Y/n. Are you even sure she's her? It could've been Toga in disguise or someone else," Uraraka said. "No, it is her." Midoryia said. Uraraka sigh. "Are you sure? Maybe you just saying that so you can be with her. Deku. This isn't healthy. This woman needs help," Uraraka said.

"Dammit, Ochaco. It is her! She was with the League of Villains. They hurt her so she needs me!" Midoryia shouted. Uraraka look at him.

"Deku, what if she works with them?" she asked. "She doesn't, her body is full of scars and...they touch her. Y/n can't go back." He said.

Uraraka let out a sigh before looking away.

"I hope you know what you're doing because right now, I can't stand looking at you" Uraraka said as she turned around as she slammed the door behind.

Midoryia sigh as he sigh in frustation.

"Midoryia?" he jumped as he turned seeing Y/n looking at him. "Did I do something wrong?" she asked softly. Midoryia shook his head. "You're angry and sad," Y/n said as she move towards him. She took his hands as he mix feelings disappear.

Midoryia blinked before seeing Y/n was crying as she had a mad look on her face. "Y/n," he said softly. "You have another feeling....the feeling of love. You love me?" Y/n asked sounded confused. Midoryia touch her cheeks as he nodded. "Yeah, I do." he said softly.

"This is different feelings tha I normally feel. I don't know what to do," Y/n confess. Midoryia smiled as he kiss her lips. "Then let me help you" he said as he kissed her again.

Midoryia changed into his hero costume. "Y/n, you should stay here. I don't want you to get hurt," he said. Y/n nodded. "Okay, Midoryia," Y/n said. He smiled as he kissed her forehead gently as he turned as he walked out. No matter how much he wanted to stay at her side. He had a job to do.

"Deku!" He heard a voice called. He turned seeing a newsreporter waving her hands at him. Midoryia let out a sigh. "Is it true that you and Uravity broken up?" she asked.

"Yes," Midoryia said. How does she know about that? He wondered

The reporter grinned. "So why did the power couple break up? Is it because you found a new gal?" She asked. Midoryia shook his head. "No! We...We don't feel the same anymore," he said. "Are you sure? Because eveyrone konws how much Uravity love you" she giggled.

Midoryia was geetting grumpy.

"Alright, well I'm going to go," he said. "Wait, another question." the reporter said. He stopped as he turned to look at her. "Is your fallout with Uravity because of your dead lover, Y/n?" she asked. Midoryia felt angry but he turned and walked away from her.

The reporter grinned.

"Oh Deku, you're still handesome as always," she said gigling as she wakled away with a smile on her face.

"So you and Uraraka broke up?" The hero known as Shoto aked looking his friend. Midoryia groaned. "Yes because Y/n was alive! And...I don't have feelings for Uraraka. I was just trying to get over Y/n. I think Uraraka knew this but stayed with me," He said.

"Well both of you are idiots," he said. "Huh?" Midoryia asked looking his close friend. "You two shouldn't have dated at the first place, now the news are talking about your two fight and Y/n. Anyway, if it's Y/n then I want to see her with my own eyes," He said.

Midoryia nodded as he sigh.

This Heartaches are hurting and he doesn't want to hurt Y/n and get her involve with his problems.

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