Snowy night

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Tonight in snowdin it was rather cold, colder then most nights but thankfully I'm all bone so it didn't bother me all that much. It was almost 10 at night when papyrus burst into my room and insisted we go out and search for a human he said that he had a strong feeling there would be one, but there hasn't been any humans and I can't tell him he may never get to capture one because he would have my throat. So close to 11 I made my way over to the ruin doors where I usually check for humans, it was pretty dark outside the only thing that helped me to see was the single street lamp looming over me as I walked by to the doors. Of course I knew the women behind the door would be fast asleep but I made an effort to see if anyone was on the other side so I knocked 2 times on the door...I waited for a response but nobody came, I sighed and started heading back towards my post to sit as the cold breeze blew right threw me...but as I was directly under the lamp post I herd the creek of the door behind me trying to be pushed open...whoever was trying to open the door obviously couldn't but they managed to get out and I managed to teleport behind a tree before they could see me. I peeked out from the tree only to find a small girl who looked like a 5 or 6 year old, she looked scared and confused..she walked passed the lamp and when she did I teleported under it...then I spoke out to the small child
"Hey kid...turn around.."
As soon as she turned around I could see her very clearly and she could see me, the fear in her eyes was very noticeable she looked like she had just seen a ghost. The kid tried backing up but tripped over a pile of snow behind her and fell flat into the snow, I walked closer to her and helped her up. She was trembling with fear as she stared at me and suddenly she broke out into tears, I got a bit startled from the sudden outburst from someone so small but I still tried to comfort them the best i could it just wasn't really working. I had never actually seen a human before and messed my first impression on one but I thought maybe a couple jokes could maybe make her feel a little better, so I bent down infront of her and tried telling her one of my jokes that I was confident would make her laugh but all I got was a small chuckle out of her as tears still streamed down her small face.
"C-come on kid...don't cry...I ain't gonna hurt ya.."
I said in the nicest way I could, all of this was new to me I have never been the one to be a nice person and most of my jokes involve death and some pretty horrible things but I still manage to get a lot of laughs down at the bar. But this kid. She was making me feel things I haven't felt in a long time, I hadn't really cared about anyone in a long time and for some reason deep down in my gut I knew this kid was good and would help all of us. So with her crying calmed down i gently picked her up and held her close.
"You will be fine, trust me kid with me around I won't like anyone lay a finger on ya little head"
I ruffled her hair around and she giggled softly as she whipped the tears from her face and I was glad to see her happy but then from behind me I herd someone's foot steps inch towards me as I held the was papyrus...and he didn't look so happy.


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