Welcome to hell

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Fell knew his brother was comeing and he didn't know what to do at that point, he was scared would would happen. Either he kills the human on the spot or he kills both of them and fell wanted neither of those things to happen but he had to think fast, and with that the human found herself being stuffed into fells maw quickly and swallowed down. Once she was inside his belly sans zipped up jacked just to make sure papyrus wouldn't see, papyrus then looked over him
Sand slowly turned around and looked at him
"N-nothing boss...I-I thought I saw something..b-but it was just my eyes playing tricks o-on me.."
Paps then grabbed sans by the coller of his jacket and looked him dead in the eyes
He then threw sans to the ground, even though sans was a bit bigger then papyrus he still had the power to push sans around. Papyrus then stormed off and sans sat up, he sighed whipping off the snow from his jacket sleeves. He then unzipped his jacket and pulled up his red sweater. Sans's belly was see threw and dark red along with a couple light red spots on it that looked like bubbles, he put his hand on his belly.
"Y-you ok kid?...s-sorry if that was sudden.."
She was to scared to say anything to fell, she was just curled up shaking with fear. Sans noticed and quickly started pushing her back up his throat and grabbed her by the back of her sweater and pulled her out
"S-sorry kid...I-I didn't mean to scare ya..that was my bro..p-papyrus...he is a human hunting psycho, if he saw ya kid...he would killed ya and I didn't want that to happen...so...do you have a name?..."
Even though sans knew that she was terrified he tried changing the subject and asked for her name, of course she did not answer. Sans sat there and rubbed the back of his skull trying to think of a way to gain back the kids trust, then he pulled the old comic sans act even though he hated doing it. Most of sans's jokes consisted of death and sex but for the kid he told more of a kid friendly joke, he managed to get a chuckle out of her and she looked up at him she seemed to under he didn't want to hurt her but fell was grumpy. He is not the biggest fan of kids and after a fight with Paps he just want to go to grillbyes and drink till he can't feel feelings but obviously he can't really bring a kid to a bar filled with thugs and people who would rip her to bits, sans then got up and picked the kid up and started walking to Snowden.Walking right into hell.

(To na continued...)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2020 ⏰

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