Chapter 43

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Long chapter, I guess, but there's a surprise at the end! XD Have fun!


               Night air. Fire white lights. Soft carpet and walkways as red as the word Valentine. Cheers and shouts that are plentiful enough to dizzy you. Flashes of cameras that seem to be automatic given how fast they blink to capture the essence of the event.

               And people.

               Celebrities, writers, paparazzi, strangers, anyone and everyone important enough or persistent enough to be here...maybe even lucky.


               I didn't think there'd be music, but there is.

               Instrumental, seductive, yet, lively. Just like everything that comes to color when Chandler opens the door to arouse the crowd into a cheering frenzy, tons of girls, not all of them even speaking English, and adults hoping to gain his attention, when I'm the one lucky enough to have it all.

               "Just stay close." His deep voice slowly speaks while I grip his hand leading me out of the seat, my silver heels holding me up, at least 20 pictures already taken before I even stand up straight.

               My gosh...This is what it's like.

               "Incredible." I laugh; blinking every single time those strong bulbs take a hit at me. Wow, they're bright...a little too bright for comfort, but me just clinging onto Chandler is helping so that I don't suddenly fall and make an idiot out of both of us. Or embarrass Chan.

               "I knew you'd like it." He whispers.

               "Chandler! Over here! Can I get a few shots with your girl?!" I'm not even going to try and figure out where that voice came from.

               "Is that Raven?! Are you really engaged?!" A female shout, American accent yells.

               "Raven can we see a ring?!"

               "Raven! Over here!!"

               "I..." My voice cuts off when some fans start screaming Chandler's name, and the only reason I don't feel completely helpless is the fact he hasn't let go of me for one second, my waist protected by his palm while I watch the rest of his cast members up ahead speaking to some men in suits holding mics.

               "Relax. Don't think about any of their bullsh1t. Just wave like you're the fvcking queen and they'll go nuts." I smile when my boyfriend tilts down a bit to mumble the advice.

               "So all you do is wave huh?" I lift up my hand close to my body and move my fingers side to side.

               "You both look fantastic!!"

               "Raven! Chandler!! Over here please!!"

               "Can we see a kiss?! Please?!"

               "Just on the cheek!" Chandler smiles, completely changing his skin into something more charming and polite than he really is.

               This guy...what a smooth operator.

               One press of his lips on my temple and the bazillion cameras facing our way snag every second while the fangirls either scream for joy or boo me for touching 'their man'.

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