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(Last chapter of the first book)

The rest of the week went by quickly. Mouth went to school with Mikey, Data and Chunk while I was free to chill at either Mikey or Mouth's house. Mikey's mom allowed me to stay since I could help her clean around the house and do things she couldn't do with her broken arm.

She had grown fond of me over the past little while— and I had grown fond of her as well. She was such a sweet lady and she was like my second mom to me.

Rosalita —on the other hand— has developed a strong disliking for my cousin and I. She stayed around still because- well, there's no such thing as too many people helping clean a house. Anyways, Mouth and I both tormented her often with our kind words of welcome all in Spanish.

I kinda felt bad for the old lady at one point, but those feelings quickly faded when I realized how much fun it was to do what Mouth and I do. It's good Spanish practice!

Now, about Mikey. Mikey and I had officially become a couple. It would be hard to maintain our relationship due to long-distance, but I promised to come to Astoria every time I got suspended so that I could visit him and everyone else.

At the moment, I was sitting in Mikey's room listening to Led Zeppelin and Bon Jovi. The boys would be coming home from school in about 20 minutes. I then heard the phone downstairs ring loudly. I stopped the music and ran down to answer it.

"Hello?" I spoke into the phone.

"Hi Alexia! It's dad." I heard my father say from the other end. "Irene gave me her number and said you would probably be the one to answer."

I laughed a little bit. "Yeah, I've just been hanging around the house and helping clean up around he-"

"I heard you have a boyfriend." He cut me off. I gulped. "Is that correct?" My dad asked.

"Uh, well I- yeah... His name's Mikey. He's Mouth's friend and he's a really sweet guy." I stated and bit my lip. My dad always said he would use his shotgun on my first boyfriend. I didn't actually believe him, but I wasn't going to take any chances.

"As long as he treats you right, it's okay by me." He said. "And don't get pregnant!" My dad decided to add.

"Dad!" I yelled at him while scoffing. "Say you won't get pregnant, Lex."

My end was silent. "Are you serious?"

"Yes I'm serious, now say you won't get pregnant."

"Okay okay fine. I won't get pregnant dad." I said, embarrassed.

My dad laughed from the other end. "Now the actual reason why I called." He continued. "Your school called me the other day and you principal was very pissed. He said he added up all your suspensions and reviewed your behavioural records. Let's just say there's a lot of trouble you've caused." He explained.

"And?" I asked.

"And you've been expelled." He stated with a hint of cheer in his voice.

"Really?!" I exclaimed. "You're not messing with me?" I cocked my head to the side. "That means I can finally change schools! Maybe here!" I started to get excited.

"Yes. Well, now that you've found all those jewels, we can afford to move to Astoria in a close-by neighbourhood to all your friends."

I shrieked with happiness— not really caring about my school record or the fact that I've been expelled for the 2nd time, or that we're moving.

I never really liked my old house anyways. It was really small and all the furniture was crammed in everywhere from our previous house. I was always bumping into things and tripping over this weird old umbrella stand we had right in the doorway.

Plus, the town where I lived always had strange things happening. Last year, a boy from my school went missing and turned up dead, but then he popped up out of nowhere in some military building.

Then after that there was some Russian bald girl running around the streets and breaking everything. My reading buddy from school's older brother even said she flipped a van over him and his friend's heads. I would never want anything like that happening to me.

I thanked my dad for telling me the good news and hung up. I was so excited to tell Mouth— and especially Mikey. I continued listening to my music for the next 15 minutes until I heard the boys walking through the door. I sat down on the couch with a huge grin on my face.

"Guess what?" I asked them with both my eyebrows raised in anticipation to tell them.

"Umm, you killed a guy and you're hiding from the police and you need our help?" Chunk asked. I gave him a baffled and confused look. "Where on earth did you get that from?" He shrugged his shoulders.

"YOURE PREGNANT I KNEW IT!" Mouth exclaimed. I smacked him upside the head and blushed. "No, I'm not pregnant! What's with you people and my pregnancies?!" I rolled my eyes, exasperated.

I decided to tell them since they're clearly very bad at guessing. "I'm moving here!" I stated happily. Everyone cheered and gave me a group hug. "Now you guys get to deal with me every day!" I joked.

Mikey laughed as we hugged each other. I pecked him on the lips and stared into his eyes, grinning. He quickly pulled me in and kissed me forcefully, his arms tightening around my waist. When we finished kissing, he took a puff from his inhaler.

"Shame shame, we know your name!" Data chanted once again. I rolled my eyes playfully. This is a good life. I've got an amazing boyfriend, I'm moving to the same town as my friends, and we're now the most famous people in Oregon. I smiled to myself. All was well.

HIII OKAY I was so sad when I lost my account again because I had so many chapters planned out and I lost all my drafts, but I'm here now! Please be patient with me as I cannot copy-paste things from my old account, so I have to rewrite everything. I am going to change a few things and maybe add a bit more, as you can see that I have done that with this chapter. It's going to take some getting used to —being back and actively writing again— so please don't get frustrated with me. I hope you guys enjoyed my edited version of this chapter!
Peace ✌️

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