What Goes On In Science

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Due to me moving during the second month of the school year, I was going to be the new kid. Not to mention, it was the last year before Highschool and everyone already knew each other. I was not looking forward to being called "the new kid", but at least I knew a few people already.

(Time skip to the first day of school)

Today is the first day of school and I'm hella nervous, but also excited. I guess that means I'm anxious? I dunno...

I folded my arms and stared at my new closet. Last week, we had moved to Astoria and found a newly built house to live in. It wasn't huge, but it wasn't too small, either. My room was overlooking the street in front of us. Where we lived, it was a 7 minute walk to Mikey's house.

I focused my attention back to the closet and tried to pick out the best outfit. Whenever I make a first impression, I want people to notice what I'm wearing. That's why I was taking so long to get ready for my first day of school.

I thought about my personality. I was outgoing, adventurous, extroverted and sassy when I wanted to be. I also really loved rock bands.

I decided to wear a sleeveless black hoodie with all my favourite bands on the back. There was Led Zeppelin, Bon Jovi, AC/DC, Queen, Scorpions, and more. I paired it with light blue ripped jeans and red Nikes.
I put my hair in a high ponytail with a red scrunchie to match my shoes. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and shrugged my shoulders. "Let's get this over with,"
I sighed as I walked out of my room and down the stairs.

I grabbed a granola bar and said good morning to my mom. My dad was at a job interview so I wouldn't see him until after school. "You excited?" My mom asked me.

"Yeah, I think so. I'm a bit nervous, but I don't really have much to worry about. I think I'll survive." I told her as I took a bite. I checked the clock hanging above the oven. There were 3 minutes until school started and I had a 5 minute bike ride. I really didn't want to be late on my first day.

After a few minutes of racing on my bike, I pulled up to the school. Kids were in the yard, socializing with one another. I scanned the crowd for my friends. I saw Data first as him and the rest rode up to the school. I locked my bike to the bike rack and jogged over to them.

"Hey!" I greeted everyone. Mikey grinned at me and gave me a side hug. Mouth pretended to gag so I stomped on his foot. He glared at me so I stuck out my tongue at him while rolling my eyes. We then had a "sticking our tongues out at each other" battle. Obviously, I won.

(So what I'm gonna do is write a bit then publish it, just to make sure I don't lose any drafts. This chapter isn't done but this is what I have so far.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2020 ⏰

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