Chapter 1-closing the gate.

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One two three ... they turned the keys and the machine exploded Joyce opened her eyes and saw the gate had closed she was finally free from trouble she could go back to having a normal life she ran over to hopper and he embraced her in a hug "it's ok it's over now" hop murmured "thank you for everything hop" she whispered into his shirt "don't thank me I did it for the people I love"hop replied griping onto Joyce reasuringly.

Suddenly the door burst open "WE DID IT LOVE BIRDS"Murray beamed hopper sighed "sorry did I interrupt"Murray said with a devilish smirk than he chuckled "when will you SHUT UP" Joyce replied letting go of hop. "Let's go before they find us" Joyce quickly changed the subject.

Eventually they got out off the Russian base with the help off Owens men and they arrived at star court mall every one was happy to know everything was ok and no one was hurt that could all be happy now one big goofy happy family.

3 months later

Joyce had finally escaped from trouble tho she had the common nightmare everything else was great her and her boys were happy and hop and Jane were frequent visitors coming round every weekend Jane would run off and play with will and Jonathan while hop and Joyce cuddled on the sofa watching a film.joyce had soon realised that she loved hop he and Jane completed her they were like family she just didn't know how to tell him because she was scared he didn't feel the same she didn't want to lose what she had now. What Joyce didn't know was that hop felt the same he had fighter every urge not to Slam her into a wall and kiss her he loved every last deatail about this woman but he knew he had to take it slow.

Saturday night
Hop and Joyce sat on the sofa when el will and Jonathan started to leave "hmhm where do you think your goin" hopper asked "the wheelers" they all replied hop and Joyce mumbled between each other "you guys can have a sleep over" "yay"el and will squeeled running off Jonathan smiled like an idiot "don't have TOO MUCH FUN" he giggled and shut the door . Hop and Joyce exchanged confused looks.

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