Chapter 2- emotions

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Soon Joyce had drifted of to sleep her head rested on hoppers lap "h-hop hopper"she mumbled sweetly "yeah joy" he replied- silence- hop soon realised that Joyce was asleep he played with her hair and blushed crazily at the thought of Joyce saying his name in her sleep. After the film he gently picked her up and carried her to bed

Joyce's dream:
I was with hopper warm and cosy when suddenly everything went cold and the the thing the monster it it got him Hopper she screamed Hopper!!!

Joyce woke to find hopper about to leave the room he turned around "joy I'm here it's ok I've got you" he hugged Joyce started to sob "please dont go" "I'm not going anywhere hopper replied as he crawled into the bed next to Joyce
They hugged for what felt like an eternity but that's what they wanted to be like this forever always together as a family.

They both drifted off to sleep calmly in each other's grasp.

Hop woke up and couldn't help but stare down at Joyce who was soundly sleeping he smiled and blushed Joyce moved her head up to see hopper staring down at her with his ocean blue eyes he looked so handsome god did she wanna kiss him but she knew she couldn't so she just smiled and said "are we gonna get up to get the kids or are you just gonna gawk at me all day" hop chuckled not breaking eye contact "I'll take option two" they both laughed and gradually started to get up.

Hop started breakfast so when they got the kids back they could eat he went back into Joyce's room to find her in a top and pair of jeans he stood in the door way and looked at how the sun shined on her she looked beautiful
"Wow" he managed to spit out "what" Joyce said confused " you look y-you look s-tunn-ing." He replied "stop it" Joyce chuckled and hit his arm they both left the house to pick up the kids
At the wheelers
Ding dong / they rang the door bell soon after Karen answered and invited them in smirking a little when she saw hop was there with Joyce (she had always shipped them) KIDS YOUR MOM AND HER BOYFRIEND ARE HERE" Karen shouted hop and Joyce blushed the kids all laughed knowing it was hopper there

They said there goodbyes and all got in the car the ride was pretty silent until el said "dad?" Yeah hop replied "did you and Joyce have s-e-x last night" hopper slammed the break "WHERE DID YOU GET THAT IDEA FROM!!!" "Karen said so" all the kids started to laugh while hop and Joyce just looked at each other shocked and blushing crazily. "N-n-no!" "Definitely NOT" hopper chocked out and continuied to drive.

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