iii. spring

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The same evening of the day Fuuta spoke to Hoseok and entrusted him with a glass spider lily, Taehyung also paid him a visit. Coming by his room for a chat about what was asked of them.  He already knew Hosoek wouldn't bend so easily and would need a small push of persuasion to do anything regarding you. So, as a token of a friendly chat, Taehyung had brought with him a small gourd of sake with 2 brilliant red painted ochoko with him for the two men to leisure with.

The samurai slid open Hoseok's door, catching him in the middle of polishing the only sword of his in use.  "Have a drink with me for a bit, Hoseok." Hoseok wouldn't turn down perfectly good sake, even if he knew that Taehyung wasn't just here to have a drink with him.

The two sat in silence, both nursing on their own red ochoko of sake before Hoseok broke the silence enveloping the two warriors.

"Are you trying to get me drunk to agree to relocate that fox?" Taehyung chuckled at Hoseok's curt tone, sipping on sake with a relaxed, content grin and shut eyes. 

"Not necessarily."

It wasn't commonly known among Hoseok's peers because of the distance he placed between him and them, but although he is a warrior he was a simpleton when anything liquor is involved.  His constitution for alcohol was anything but strong.  Easily the most vulnerable lightweight Taehyung knew.  It also wasn't known just how gut-spillingly open Hoseok was when intoxicated.  It was those factors that lead him to hardly ever having even a bit of liquor.  He only ever drank in front of people he deeply trusted- a small few to be sure.

Taehyung sat and listened to the woes of his friend silently.  If Taehyung was anything, it was a listener.  He listened to and heard many things as he filed them away into his memory.  A strong skill to be certain, as Taehyung's memory is something most people can't comprehend- it's as if he never forgets a thing he's learned. 

Hoseok spilled his guts about how uncertain he is about Fuuta's request to move you somewhere else.  He was frustrated by his lack of information and the fact that Taehyung and Fuuta both kept hiding things from him.  He expressed the urge to break the glass flower Fuuta gave to him because he just knew it was linked to you somehow. 

Taehyung would be lying if he said he didn't feel the slightest bit guilty about it all. 

He stayed completely silent the whole time with only assured head nods to show he was listening.  He eventually watched as Hoseok took the stages down before he was nearly at his pass-out limit.  Slowly rolling into the territory of drowsiness, Taehyung cut off his intake and loosened his obi around his waist.  Pulling Hoseok's futon set out onto the floor, Hoseok was already sleeping in a blissful drunken heap on the tatami.  Dragging him to the futon and tossing the blanket on him, Taehyung silently left the hunter to sleep in a dead-drunk state. 

Only lightly laughing in relief.  It had been some time since he had caught a glimpse of the open, sour-mouthed Hoseok he used to be.  Drunk Hoseok always felt like a trip back in time to Taehyung. A trip back to a time where everything wasn't drenched in sorrow or anger.  A time he often found himself dearly missing.

Hoseok was rudely awakened by a harsh shove to his shoulder.  Ignoring it once was a mistake because after the initial shove followed a sharp kick.  Yelping he shot up and pried open his heavy eyes.  Looking up and seeing Taehyung grinning above him, he sneered back.

"Bastard," Hoseok hissed as Taehyung innocently shrugged as if he did nothing wrong. Not at all guilty about the fact he got Hoseok drunk.  Rubbing his head and tossing his tangled mess of auburn hair, Hoseok pulled his legs to ta cross-sitting position.  Pulling his kimono sleeve to his nose, he sniffed it and winced.  "I smell like sake," he grunted.  The scent of the strong rice-wine purging straight through his clothes.

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