A Royal Sleepover

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Not too long ago, the adventure kids had completed their last mission in helping save a kingdom from an eternal winter and restore the bond between two royal sisters, Anna and Elsa. 

Now, the kids were coming back to Arendelle to spend some quality time with their new frozen friends to get to know them better. 

They had already had a full busy day once they arrived. They had a lot of fun though with Olaf and the rest of the frozen gang. 

But now it was time for bed. 

Elsa offered the kids to stay in the guest rooms. One room for the boys, one for the girls. 

"What a day" Kali yawned, heading towards the girls room. 

"You're telling me. I think I pulled at least 10 muscles" David said while rubbing his back as it felt pretty sore. 

"Good night, guys" Teeders told her friends before the boys and girls went their separate ways. 

The adventure kids then all settled in and fell asleep within seconds, exhausted. 

But after almost an hour, Ann heard a creaking sound as their door slowly opened. Then the girls were startled awake once they saw that Anna had come in. 

"What are you trying to do? Give us all heart attacks?!" Cynthia asked the red haired princess sarcastically. "Cause it worked!" 

"Anna, what is it?" Kali asked the princess while sitting up groggy, rubbing her eyes. 

"I can't sleep" Anna replied. 

Anna soon told the girls her plan and they all smiled in delight. They then got the boys and told them the same thing. 

"Lets go get Elsa" Brock and Ann soon told the group. 

"But won't she get mad at us for waking her up and freeze us?" Cynthia questioned. 

The rest of the gang gave Cynthia those weird looks before she then stared into the 4th wall. "Just wondering..."

Anna led the kids as they tiptoed down the hallway. The gang soon opened the door and quietly crept into the ice queen's room. 

"Psssst! Elsa?" Anna gently nudged her sister. "Wake up" 

Elsa shifted, saying groggily. "Go back to bed, Anna" 

"I can't sleep!" The feisty princess replied. 

Elsa didn't listen though as she turned back in bed, ignoring her little sister. 

"Now what?" David asked while watching with the other adventure kids. 

Anna soon flopped down onto Elsa's bed. She then smiled slyly as she asked her sister. "Do you want to have a sleepover?..." 

Elsa soon opened her eyes and grinned. A sleepover sounded like a lot of fun. 

Anna went back to her room with Cynthia, Brock, Ann, and David to get some extra pillows and blankets, while Kali was off searching for some games for them to play. 

Meanwhile, Elsa was down in the kitchen with Teeders. 

Elsa was soon gathering some ingredients to make some snacks. 

"It isn't a sleepover without my famous honey cones" Elsa proclaimed. 

"I'll help you make them, Elsa" Teeders offered.

Once Elsa and Teeders returned with the snacks, they found Anna and the rest of the adventure kids in her room, digging through her closet as they were looking for something. 

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