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Evelyn and Connor had been best friends since first grade, and it was beautiful. So, so beautiful. Connor had helped Evelyn through her transition, and supported her when Heidi couldn't. His parents had helped pay for the surgery, since Cynthia and Heidi were close. It was just common nature, y'know?

Ever since Evelyn had noticed she wasn't male, Connor had stuck by her side. Through thick and thin, they stayed close. Evelyn was so grateful for Connor, everything he had done for her, and she knew she had to return the favor. But how would she do something like that?

She wasn't particularly artsy, she couldn't draw if her life depended on it. And without Zoe's help, she wasn't too great with shopping. Yes, she had beautiful taste, but she always ended up over-spending without someone by her side. Jared wasn't much help, either. He would encourage the habit.

She couldn't just think of something and it was killing her! She needed to show Connor how grateful she was for the help she has been given through the years. There is nothing meaningful she could think about, nothing she could think of that Connor would love more than anything.

Wait.. She played ukulele! (Photo At Top Of Chapter :3) She could write him a song! Woah, she was a genius! She scrambled to grab her laptop to begin her creative process. C'mon, C'mon! Go Go! It loaded and she began typing. This would be amazing! Nothing could go wrong!

Okay, commence.

You put all your faith in my dreams.
You gave me the world that I wanted.
What did I do to deserve you?

Yes, yes! That sounds.. good!

I follow your steps with my feet.
I walk on the path that we started.
I need you to know trust I heard you, every word.

(Yes, changed lyrics. It needs to make sense.)

Okay, it's sounding okay..

I've waited way to long to say..
Everything you mean to me.

Yes, that pre-chorus! Now.. what should it lead to? What's a fear she has involving their friendship? She sat and thought for a while.

Death. She didn't want either to die because then the other would live in sorrow until their time was up.

Okay, pick up here..

In case you don't live forever,
let me tell you now.
I love you more than you'll ever
wrap your head around.
In case you don't live forever,
Lemme tell you the truth.
I'm every thing that I am because of you.

Cold tears fell down her cheeks as she typed the u and the punctuation. How would she sing this?! She closed her laptop and decided she would finish later.

She looked to the corner of her room and saw her yellow rain boots. She smiled and called Connor. "Hiya!" She greeted when he answered. "Hey, Evie! What's up?" He asked happily. "Wanna jump in puddles? A HUGE storm is coming tomorrow and there was a shower earlier today. Perfect conditions!" She offered happily.

"Oh heck yeah! Lemme go get my boots. You brought your rain coat home, yeah?" He checked. "Mhm!" She answered, balancing the phone between her shoulder and her ear as she went to the corner and slipped on the boots. She pulled on the rubber coat and buttoned it up.

"Where we headed?" She asked. "You can choose, it was your idea to go in the first place."  He replied. "Uh- Ellison Park? They have good pavement with a few potholes that make for deep puddles!" She suggested. She loved that place, and the trees there.

They were almost as good as the puddles!

"Ooooo it's been a while since we went there! Let's do it!" He agreed. She giggled happily and nodded. "Let's do this! Meet ya there!" Evelyn finished. "Cya soon, Ev!" He replied, She could hear his smile. She loved his smile.. it's so.. beautiful. Heartwarming. Eye-opening. Jesus Christ it's everything!

"Mom I'm going out to Ellison!" Evelyn hollered. "You're mom isn't home, Evie. I'll let her know." Paul, her step-dad, called back. "Alright!" She hooted, grabbing her phone and skipping out the door of the house. Her stepbrother, Jeremy, was on the porch with his boyfriend, Michael.

"Hiya Jeremy!" Evelyn beamed. "Woah, someone's in a good mood." He chuckled. Evie nodded vigorously. Michael and Evelyn didn't know each other, for the most part. They knew of each other but not anything about the other. Michael didn't even know she was transgender.

"Did Connor invite you over or something? Or are you on your own with the puddles today?" Jeremy asked. "Actually I asked him to go to Ellison with me! I'm pumped!" She announced.

"WHOOP WHOOP." He cheered. He stood and hugged his step sister. "You're getting better! Soon as you know it you'll be inviting other people over! Going to parties!" He gleamed.

She hugged him back. "Not yet, one step at a time." She chuckled. He nodded. "Touché." He let go and sat back down.

"Tell Connor I say hi! And come back before 10! That's when the storm starts!" Jeremy reminded. Evie nodded, waving to the boys, and jumping down the stairs.

The boys continued their chatter as Evie put up the yellow hood and ran through the sprinkling water.

She laughed as the water splashed her bare legs. She had shorts and a sweater on under the raincoat, not her finest decision, but there's no turning back now.

She splashed through the water on the sidewalks, hopping over valley-cracks that would trip her up. Soon she made it to Ellison Park and saw Connor in his black boots and navy blue raincoat. His hair was damp from under the hood and his face was red but smiley, his two-different-colored eyes filled with excitement and anticipation as he awaited his best friends arrival. He was smart and wore sweatpants for the occasion, and not shorts. "Hey Con!" Evelyn shouted. "Yo! Let's go!" He smiled.

And she ran to him, grabbed his hand, and they began running across the yellow field, onto the pavement.

Deep, deep puddles of rainwater filled the potholed blacktop.

Evelyn let go of Connor and ran to a large one, launching herself and slamming her feet into the water, it got ALL over. On the pavement, on her legs, hands, coat, boots, and even a little on Connor.

Evie laughed. "Sorry, Con!" She giggled. "It's alright! Wait aren't you cold?" He questioned. "Nope! I've grown used to it!" I replied, jumping once more.

He nodded and we began puddle hopping. We got weird stares, small "Aw"'s, and a few people talking photos. "For the aesthetic" I guess.

And there we were, on the blacktop, jumping in water pooled into holes, giggling over nothing.

Two friends.

True friends.

On a perfect day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2020 ⏰

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