Chapter 7

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"I think I know why you're here." Nimue said, greeting Percival in her soft voice without turning to see the knight bowing behind her. Being an enchantress of a skill higher than Merlina, Nimue can recognize each of the knights and easily figure out who has visited. "It is about Sonic, isn't it?"

And Nimue resisted the urge to sigh in exasperation at Percival's formal bow. "Rise, Percival, we've been family far too long to adorn such formalities." As she says this, Nimue only smiles sadly down at Percival after turning her head to gaze at the knight. Already knowing of the grief and desperation that pushed the lavender cat into searching for answers, help, anything to appease her accompanying grief.

Percival, on bended knee, could only make eye contact with Nimue for hardly longer than a few seconds - who has become a mother-like figure to each of the knights for most of their lives before she tears her gaze away. "Then you know I won't leave without anything."

"Join me for tea, there are certain topics I wish to relay to you." Nimue said. "You'll understand why for when we visit the reflecting pool afterwards."

When she rises back up, Percival's metal armor clinks and clatters as her joints bend and straighten. "But I haven't brought the sacred swords, and even so, Caliburn is lost to us. He was in sir Sonic's possession when-"

"-Don't fret. We do not need the sacred swords, and Caliburn is safe. Sonic on the other hand...he's returned to his home with his family that resides there. He is in their care now." In her soft voice is thinly concealed worry that Percival is quick to pick up on.

Sonic became their king formally, though he grew to become like her brother. Wild and carefree like the winds grazing the lands...that's what Percival would say to him. Of course when Sonic told the knights of his ill-awaited departure that none looked forward too, Percival was crushed.

She found it unfair, in a childish sense, that their family had become completed - only to be ripped apart from Fate. Yes. Unfair.

Though Percival put on a brave face. For Gawain's, Merlina's, and...and Lancelot's sake as well. It was no use for them to all suffer in their grief when Percival can push hers aside to comfort her friends. That is why she came here to Misty Lake for Nimue. Besides. The knights of the round table are strong, they will persevere through their trials. Percival intends to remain toughened - not in the name of chivalry, the honor bound code all knights follow.

She'll remain strong because that's what Sonic would do.

Sonic spoke of his friends and family in Mobius. A futuristic land of many technologies. Sonic became conflicted of his feelings regarding the knights of Camelot and his friends in Mobius Of how he missed them all dearly. But he couldn't bear to leave Camelot and Lancelot. He feared returning to face the ire of his friends should they figure out he wasn't trapped in Camelot - that Sonic chose to stay bound there with Merlina and Nimue's help.

Despite being scared to see them someday soon. Sonic did tell stories of them to the knights with a happy and wistful grin on his face.

Percival missed that grin. She's saddened to know that no more will they hear his bubbly laughter echo down the halls of the castle, that there will be no more stories from him to tell as they sit around the dining table, Sonic won't be there to spar out on the early mornings.

He's gone. It is as simple as that. He wasn't meant to stay as long as he did, no matter how much they all wished it so. It wasn't fair for him to stay when he had his family and friends back in his home.

She must be strong. For their family. She gazes at Nimue with a blank, hardened expression. Whatever it will take, Percival will be ready.

However...she can see the concern behind Nimue's eyes. It's unnerving to be honest. Nimue is always certain of all that she speaks of. Why would she be worried now? "What is troubling you? I haven't seen you look this worried in ages."

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