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It was silent that night as it was all those years ago, he mused as his shadow took form in the little girls room, she was having trouble sleeping and was tasked with putting her to sleep. It was weird because it was normally Stephan who took care of situations like this, but nonetheless he squared his shoulders and approached the small bed where a tiny figure was rolled into a ball. He touched his hand to her forehead and blew out air from his lips.

Her eyes were blurry when she tried to open them but she noticed the presence, she was often told that she was smart for a ten years old and she was sure that what she was seeing was an angel, reaching out she grabbed his hand that was on her forehead. His slim fingers were really cold against her heated skin, "Mr. Angel am I going to die?" she rasped her throat hurting with each word, tears leaked from her reddened eyes as she looked, barely seeing the figure standing above her.

Benedict shocked with her question gazed at her small shivering frame with barely concealed sadness, "do you fear death?" he asked. she shook her head a little and tried to smile, "I'm gonna be a big sister, I wanna see my baby brother" tears leaked out. "but mummy says death is normal" she spoke slowly each word grating on his ears.

He understood, this too was something that was his punishment, "I'm sorry child, I'm gonna put you to sleep now. When you wake up, you won't feel any more pain. I promise" he said as she clenched her tiny fingers on his.

"Thank you, Mr. Angel, you really are as beautiful as they say" she smiled and he released his powers gently lulling her to sleep. He hoped that this child, the first one to see him and not fear him would be judged fairly and have the right to a second life. Once she was asleep he let out a deep breath.

He hoped she wouldn't end up in the same cruel system he had. he noticed the presence of another god closeby. He was on his knees not daring to look as hades himself materialized in the room, he didn't dare to look at the gods face as he believed himself too low so he didn't see the sadness that the god held in his eyes.

"I pity her" the god said, his ruby like eyes shinning in the dim light of the childs room. "so young and with such a pure soul, she wasn't even supposed to die you know" Benedict gulped because it looked as the the girl was going to end up in the same way as he after all he too once had a pure soul.

"will you follow me and listen to my tale, I'll hold back on collecting her soul for the now" Hades said and Benedict nodded before eventually looking at the god. Hades teleported them to a high up place, it was far from where they were before as the sun was already rising painting the sky in the various colors of the morning.

"the gods are in disarray presently but I want you to promise me something" Hades said in a somber voice, "don't speak until I'm done, not a single word, im requesting this not as one of the great gods but as a fellow god that just wants you to listen"

"if that's the case, then please do go on, I need to purge myself of the feelings of regret that I seem to be having" Benedict said confidently as he sat at the edge of the cliff, his feet dangling over the edge towards the ground that couldn't be seen no matter how much he squinted.

" I thank you" hades said taking his seat beside him. and then he spoke, his deep voice ;low as hades told him about his decades as a lonely God before he found Persephone, how he fell in love and the continuous pangs of sadness he would feel during the six months that his Persephone was away. He talked about little things that couldn't be related to anything important and the he sighed.

"honestly, I'm telling you all this because I feel that were cut from the same cloth, the fates showed the end of your sentence with the birth of your soulmate" Benedict sat speechless and hades continued, "she's on thee verge of death now and some are saying that we should let her die, personally I find it troublesome and this is going to be against the rules but I can save her"

"how?" he asked and then saw the god smirk a little.

"you live her death, give your soul in exchange for hers, you'll stay in the underworld and serve me as an undead unable to leave for 15 human years" he said. Agree to this and she will live but you wont be able to see her until your sentence is over"

Hades was a man that he knew wouldn't change his words but he also knew that 15 human years was equal to 45 god years. He weighed the odds and sighed out.

"where do I sign"

he would rather spend the next forty five years alone than the next eternity doing the same.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2020 ⏰

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