Back again

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I keep forgetting that depression never goes away for long... if at all.

I had six gorgeous months of happiness with my boyfriend and my growing baby bump. Six amazing, depressionless months. Yet with only 10 weeks before I give birth, I am seeing two counsellers, a well-being officer and may have to be put on medication. 

my bulimia went away. my anxiety dimmed. my self-harm stopped. I stopped hating myself. 

Look at me now. 

I panic over E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. i cant walk further than the college from my house before havinga panic attack. 

Im scared over losing the baby weight.

I scraped my arms with tin foil just to have that burn back on my arms.

I'm hating myself again. My personality, my thighs, my legs.

Ppl tell me its because im pregnant. Stfu, don't you think I know that?

It doesn't make me feel any better. So shut up.

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