Just don't tell them all the truth. (Picture of Richie)

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Alexa’s POV

I woke up in a cold sweat my hair plastered to my face. I instantly looked around to see if I would be in my purple room or a room filled with pain and monitors but was still filled with love. A smile slowly crept across my face as I heard a gentle snore coming from next to my bed and I saw my Ryan laying in the most uncomfortable position. I can’t believe how much I love this boy. How much this boy loves me an orphan with nothing. No I take that back I am no longer that orphan I thought I was now I have a home a family I love and they love me. I slowly moved off of my bed and gently climbed into Ryan’s lap and put my head on his chest. 

“Mmmm… why aren’t you sleeping babe?” He said as his eyes slowly crept open.

“I woke up and just wanted to be closer to you just in case.” I said looking down at my hands intertwined in his.

“Al you’re sweating are you ok do you need me to call the nurse?” Ryan asked tensing up.

“No Ryan I’m just scared and happy all at the same time and I don’t want anything to happen to me to us.”

“Hey nothing will happen to us you just worry about you. You need to get through this because I’m selfish and I don’t think I could ever live without you. I’ve only known you for a short amount of tim and in that time I have learned more about myself then in the rest of my life. Before you I was a scared boy wanting nothing more than to play games and live my life through fun and money. But with you none of that matters I could be living on bread crumbs living in a cardboard box under the bridge and I would be the happiest man in the world as long as I have you.” He said as I slowly wiped a stray tear off of his face. 

“Ryan just promise me if anything happens tomorrow you won’t be angry and you will keep an eye on my parents and the twins.” I said my hand still on his cheek his face felt like he hasn’t shaved in a few days.

“Al don’t talk like that nothing is going to happen everything will be fine." 

“Just promise me.” I said now looking at my hand instead of Ryan’s face. I was so skinny and pale compared to what I used to be. I guess it had been months.

“I promise.” He said looking at me with nothing but concern in his eyes.

Ryan’s POV

It was now later in the day we had said our good-byes to Alexa and now we were all sitting in the waiting room the warm air made the whole room feel like it was trying to suffocate and the smell of antiseptic and hand sanitizer was enough to make the strongest person gag. Alexa’s parents sat on one side of the room on a couch just cradling eachother. Another nauseating sight to bear witness. It’s selfish I know but when the love of your life is in surgery it’s hard to see anybody be able to hold their loved ones. After a few hours of this I had to go. Without saying a word I was out the door making my way out of the suffocating hospital and into the fresh cold air.

I wanted to scream I wanted to cry I had to do something to keep my mind off of Alexa if that was even possible. I quickly ran to my car and only remembered a name that Alexa screamed when she woke up. I need to find out who Abigail Kennedy is. I quickly drove to the library. I ran to the computers and quickly typed in the name. A newspaper article popped up with her name in bold. A newspaper article followed by an obituary. The newspaper read about her parents and her taking an innocent drive and being hit by a drunk driver. Her parents survuved but Abigail did not. She lived in the hospital for several months before being taken off life support. It went on to talk about her mother being paralyzed and her parents starting an organiztion called the Abby Project for parents and victems of drunk drivers. I still didn’t see a connction between Alexa and Abigail. It just didn’t make sense Abigail passed away long before Alexa was even here. 

“Doing some research lover boy?” Amanda’s high pitch voice rang in my ear. 

“What do you want Amanda?” I asked closing down the computer and turning in my chair.

“Wow can’t I just say hi to my babby’s daddy?” Amanda asked rubbing her stomach.

“I’m not the baby’s father.” I said standing up and brushing past her.

“Well fine then I was going to hold up on my end of the deal but if you want to be like that then I’ll just keep my mouth shut.”

Sarah’s POV

I walked into the cold air of the library taking a deep breath and breathing in the smell of all the old books. The purr of the air conditioner soothed me until I heard the she-devil’s voice. I looked over and saw her talking to Greg. But about what I didn’t know so I decided to move alittle closer. 

“Ryan I’m telling you all you have to do is say that this baby is yours and I will tell you who it was that hit your precious trash.” Amanda said rubbing her belly. 

“Amanda just tell me please I need to get back to the hospital and be there in case anything happens to Alexa.” He said looking down.

“Fine go be with her. I’m sure that you’ll want all the happy time with her you can get before you tell her that this baby is yours.” She said smiling.

I watched as Ryan walked away his head down. He looked defeated. This is the first time that I had ever seen him look like this. Maybe he does really love Alexa. As soon as Ryan was away I watched Amanda’s face light up as she looked out the window and saw a boy standing outside leaning against an old car. She quickly looked around before running outside to join him. I decided if I just took a stroll outside it wouldn’t hurt.

“Richie don’t worry nobody knows this baby is yours and that you were the one who hit that piece of trash.” She smiled at something.

“Amanda I just don’t think we’re ready for this and I can’t take care of you and the baby and I was just trying to scare you it was the boys’ idea.” He said grabbing Amanda around the waist. I couldn’t help but shiver at the words coming out of this guy’s mouth Amanda may not see that this guy is lying but I do.

“Sarah?” A voice rang from behind me.

“H-hey.” I said stuttering over my words when I saw who it was.

“I’m sorry if I scared you.” Joey said.

“No you’re fine I was just trying to well nevermind.” I said suddenly nervous. My hands were sweaty so I quickly put them into my sweatshirt pocket. 

“Hey have you heard anything about how Alexa is doing or anything?” Joey asked leaning against the building.

“I just saw Ryan here about 20 minutes ago I heard him say he was going to go back to the hospital.” I said looking around.

“Are you going to the hospital?” He asked moving alittle bit closer.

“Umm… yeah I was just going to wait until my mom got home because she had to take my car to work today…” I said stopping myself before I started babbling.

“Well I’m heading that way now if you just want to catch a ride with me.” He said smiling and reaching out his hand.

“Umm… ok sure.” I said taking his hand before remembering my hands were clammy.

“Hey do you want to stop and get coffee first?” He asked holding my hand tighter.

“Sure. Hey can I tell you about something and possibly get your opinion?” I asked blushing as we walked to his car.

“Yeah you can tell me anything.” He smiled before opening the car door for me.

“Well I saw Ryan here and he was having a conversation with Amanda and I have a feeling she’s blackmailing him about something…” I began.

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