Disclaimer and Descriptions

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Hello! Welcome to my new story, To Change His Fate. This book correlates with Broken Trust and is that story reimagined in my now sharper mind at the age of 16. Please enjoy! I do not own Stormcutters, Hiccup, Toothless, or any character mentioned in this story. I only own Ella.

Here are some descriptions of two oc's that will make a big impact on the story!

Name: Ella Aven

Gender: Female

Age: 16 (Hiccup is 15)

Sexuality: Bisexual

Eye Color: dark brown

Hair Color: raven black

Ethnicity: Scottish

Dragon: Owlhunter

Defining Scars: a long scar bisects her face across her right eye going down to her shoulder

Name: Owlhunter

Gender: Male

Species: Stormcutter

Eye Color: yellow

Overscales Color: Black

Underscales Color: Ashy dark grey

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