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Just some Author's Notes!

Hello everyone, this is my first time trying to write something like this so I think it's going to be an interesting challenge. 

*Midoriya, Bakugou and all of their classmates are about 4-5 years old in this chapter.

Happy reading ;)


It was just another spring day at the local kindergarten. The sound of children's laughter rang loudly in the air. The sky was a crystal blue and the sun was shining down proudly, basking everybody in its golden rays.

Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary.

Upon closer inspection, a green-haired boy could be seen quivering; defending a cowering kid as three, more powerful students sneered down at him.

The stand off and subsequent silence seemed to last a few seconds before someone got impatient.

"GET OUT OF MY WAY DEKU!" An Ash Blond kid shrieked, causing the small form of Izuku Midoriya to shake harder than he'd been seconds earlier. Despite the fear, he stood his ground.

"C-Can't you s-see, you're h-hurting him Kacchan!"

Izuku felt terrified but proud, he'd actually been able to stand up for someone, like All Might! He turned to smile at the poor boy the trio had been beating up only to see an empty space where the other kid had been crying. He inwardly sighed, of course he was left alone again.

It was then that Bakugou and his lackeys made their approach, quirks activated and sparks flying off of the Blond's hands.

"You think you can just talk to me like that?" His face twisted into a demonic snarl.

"Look, you're even shaking in your boots you're so scared of me!" 

Bakugou's followers cackled from behind him, jeering at the weaker child as they all started beating him up mercilessly.

Suffice to say, Izuku Midoriya left preschool that day even worse off than he usually was.

When Inko, his mother, arrived to pick him up, he didn't say a word though. She didn't need to know how mean Kacchan was being after all, they were still friends he convinced himself. He'd probably just upset him somehow, yeah! They'd make up soon and then become the best pro heroes ever together.

"How's my little Izu's day been" She crushed the boy in a bear hug as he stuttered out a response.

"I-I'm fine mum, I've h-had a good day," with those words he broke into a smile which was just as radiant as the sun. Inko felt relief wash over her and smiled back, it was wonderful to see her son so happy.

Although she truly was interested in learning about Izuku's day, she was a lot more worried about him than she would want to admit.

She was afraid the other kids would hurt him just because he'd been diagnosed quirkless a few days ago; she was scared he would be sad he could never be a hero like his idol All Might, but she had no need to worry. 

Her little boy was taking it all in his stride and from the sounds of things, the other children were still extremely nice to him: especially Mitsuki's son, she'd have to invite them both over sometime. 

The smile on her son's face put all her worries to rest, she felt content when he smiled like that, she decided then that she didn't mind if he was quirkless or couldn't become a hero.

As long as he kept smiling, she knew he would be fine and she'd never have to worry.

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