Chapter 1: It's Fine, I'm Fine

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"I'm fine"

Those were the two words Izuku found himself repeating again and again to his mother, to his father every time he called from overseas, to Aunt Mitsuki every time she asked; hell he even repeated it like a mantra to himself until he believed it.

Somewhere, deep down inside of him he knew he was lying to everyone though, it had been five years since he'd been friends with Katsuki and the boy was his biggest bully.

The words he spat every time they spoke hurt, they stung and wouldn't leave him alone. The only thing he could think of that was worse was the physical pain, being beaten and bruised everyday for no reason.

His days went something along the lines of: wake up way too early; watch hero videos; get ready for hell (school);  class — otherwise known as the perfect time to get taunted by the teachers and his peers; get his lunch stolen; and after school, he'd get beaten up by Bakugou and his lackeys before hurrying home to get there before his mother and then having dinner and going to bed.

Then repeat

The cycle had been going on for years, Izuku and Katsuki were both nine. Izuku knew he was getting tired, he honestly didn't know how long he could keep the act up and he was starting to lose hope... but he was fine, he continued convincing himself and those around him. It was fine.


Izuku was walking stealthily through the corridors one evening after school. His head was held low and he was avoiding his bullies with the kind of skill only gained from years of experience. He'd been about to walk out via the office gate when he'd looked up at the notice board out of habit and froze. 

On the board there was always a range of documents, useless pieces of information that Izuku never failed to read. Now, a single bold and colourful poster adorned the wall.

All Might!
On July 15th the number one hero All Might will be paying a delightful visit to our prestigious school. He will give the whole school a talk about what it means to be a hero and after that there'll be an opportunity for autographs and one to one talks with the number one himself! We expect you all to be on your best behaviour.
— Staff

Izuku couldn't believe what he was reading. Unbridled joy bloomed in his chest and he felt his eyes welled up with happy tears.

"July the 15th, that's my birthday. I'll finally get to meet him — I'll ask him then. I'll ask him if quirkless people can become heroes! He's saved thousands of people, maybe he can save me too," he whispered to himself, a soft smile on his lips as the last of his tears ran down his face.

Unbeknownst to the green haired boy, there was someone watching him as he left. Somebody lurking in the shadows behind the door listening to his every word.

Katsuki Bakugou frowned, he'd been about to call out to the nerd when he'd heard Deku mumbling. It was one of the many things he hated about the boy but he listened in.

Once he'd caught wind of what the greenette was saying, he had to fight not to gasp and give himself away. All Might was coming to this shitty school?! He was shocked but excited at the same time. He'd finally have a chance to make the damn extras really eat his dust. Meeting All Might would be his first stepping stone towards UA.

After Izuku left the building, Katsuki went to look at the poster for himself and sure enough everything Deku had said was true. The blond was elated until he read the date that the event was taking place on, his eyes instantly narrowed. July the 15th, the damn nerd's birthday.

"Tch, Deku better not get the wrong idea because if he thinks he can be a hero just because he met All Might... wait what if he doesn't meet All Might?" He spoke softly, a wicked grin spreading across his face as he formulated a plan.

He left the school smirking.

'The damn nerd won't know what hit him.'


Izuku arrived home bruised, as he was every night. He wasn't safe just because Bakugou hadn't found him. The minute he'd stepped out of the building, he had been jumped by some older kids and Katsuki's lackeys.

The same old insults were thrown at him:

                                    "He can't do anything right."

                           "Such a waste of space."

                                                    "Quirkless losers don't belong here."

                                              "What a worthless Deku."

He was beaten up just as on any other day and yet, he was still content. The news of the symbol of peace coming to his school had put the boy into a happy trance.


~ That evening ~

Inko looked at her son and felt at peace. The second she'd arrived home, she'd been greeted by a storm of muttering and through this, she'd learnt All Might would be visiting her baby and his friends. She was truly happy for him, he'd seemed sadder recently although he never failed to smile for her. He said he was fine and she wanted to believe her son but she was worried.

It'd taken a while but eventually, she'd realised he never seemed to play with any of the other kids or even invite Katsuki over. Maybe seeing All Might would cheer him up again, motivate him. And if the symbol of peace really couldn't help him... well, she'd do it herself, she'd go to hell and back to r

Izuku said goodnight to his mother and went to bed early that night; not for the sake of sleep but because he needed time to think. He had about two weeks until the big day and he needed to prepare himself mentally at the very least. He knew he couldn't have a fanboy breakdown and faint the second he saw the No.1, he'd lose his chance to ask his question!

Izuku decided to take up meditation. He'd read online that some heroes do it and it helps to strengthen your mind. He would go beyond!

The greenette sat on the ground, legs crossed and tried to clear his mind....

He felt his thoughts slowing down and his muscles relaxing, it was working!


Let's just say Izuku's first attempt wasn't the most successful.

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