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                When I woke up, Raine was still asleep, holding onto my arm as if I would leave in the night. I turned my head to look at the clock, seven-thirty. I tucked Raine's hair behind her ears.

        "Raine," I whispered against her forehead. She stirred slightly, turning her face into my shoulder.
        "Do we have to?"
        I sighed, looking down at her delicate features. "We have to."
        She opened her eyes reluctantly. "Please stay with me."
        I leaned down and kissed her slowly. "You know that's what I'd rather do." Before she could convince me otherwise, and I knew she could, I swung out of her bed and went into the bathroom.
        "Did you say you'd be back for Christmas?" she asked from her spot in the bed while I splashed water on my face.
        "Yes," I stuck my head out the door. "And just in time to see you in the Nutcracker."
        She covered her face with her hands. "I don't even know what part I'll get yet!"
        "And I don't care. You'll steal the show no matter what," I pulled my shirt over my head. "Did I leave my blue plaid shirt here the other day?"
        "I don't know what you're talking about," Raine tried to hold back her laughter, but it slipped.
        "I will find my shirts, Raine Chambers!" I exclaimed, jumping on top on her on the bed. She lost it, laughing as I kissed both her cheeks.
        "Maybe you wouldn't be looking for your clothes all the time if you just moved in," she said softly after I had gotten up again, one shoe on my foot. I stopped and looked at her. She was serious, sitting cross-legged, in a old ballet shirt.
        She tucked her hair behind her ears and looked down at her hands. "I mean, you don't have to, I was just thinking about it last night when you brought over pizza and you ran your tongue over that stupid lip ring and you nuzzled your face into my shoulder, and I just thought of how much I love you," she looked over at me, biting her lip. "I never thought I could love anyone, Luke, and then I ran into you on that damn staircase and I showed you my favorite place and I opened myself up to you. You taught me how to love again."
        My feet took me over to sit in front of her on the bed. I reached over and took her hand. She looked at me with those wide eyes, the ones that had captured me that first night. "You want me to move in with you?"
        She nodded.
okay so this takes place a couple weks after chapter fifteen, not to arouse any confusion. so its like early november now. and yes i am going to make you wait on that cliffhanger from chapter sixteen, im building up the suspense. :)
don't forget to vote and comment! i luh ya!

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