Chapter 5

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"May I have these dance with you "Xavier said reaching out his arms for me.

I felt like I was floating.

"Of cause "I put my arm in his, I could feel the weird look liam gave us both.

I knew he will figure it out soon.
So we made our way towards the dance floor.

It was a slow dance, it felt like a fairy tale, I never once believed in it because i felt is was too girlish for my liking but now am not so sure.

"You look really beautiful tonight "he said close to my ear. I couldn't help but blush real hard.

"Thanks, you look handsome too "I said in a wispher on for him to hear.

"I know I always do " I had to kick him alittle bit.

"Always so full of yourself "

"Oww I can't be full of myself because and always full of you to have  time for myself " I think I turned red by his statement.

We didn't say anything still the dance was over and we head over to his mom. I know Xavier loved his mom so much since his dad wasn't there for him while growing up. So I need his mom  to like.

I have to saw, he was more of a mama's boy than I could admit. He doesn't like anyone saying bad things against her. And I could understand he loves her so much.

I can't help but think his mom is the major reason of us not being public yet. But I can wait.

"Hello Mrs Williams and hello to you too vian "I said with enough fake smile.

"And how are you miss brown, you seem to look different today did something happen? "

"well actually no, I just think i should be different "I said with a real smile. Maybe she likes it. But her next statement cut me off.

"Although the different makes you look not bad, and the gown simply looks outdated, but I can't blame you since you are still new. Well have you met vian "I felt so embarrassed and Xavier just acted like his mother didn't just insult me .

"Vian my dear this is jay the girl  I was telling you about. I don't really know what my sons see's in her "she whispered to her but was loud enough for but Xavier, I, and a few people around to hear.

"When he could have a girl as lovely as you.  not that thing created as a woman if she is even one " as if the insult wasn't enough. A waiter passed -bye handling a drink to vian,  since she was standing close to me  she split it on me. I knew she purposely did it.

"Oh my gosh am sorry jay, my hand  just slipped "she said.  I knew she was lying I wanted to revenge so bad but I had to comport myself I want his mom  to like me. I know it's going to take some time but I can handle it.

So I excused myself to the ladies room.

Xavier p. O. V

"Mom you shouldn't have said that to jay, you just embarrassed her infront of vian "

"I didn't say anything that wasn't true,  I don't really know why you are still friends with her, I really don't like her. i don't ever want a day to come you did say  you are in love with her, can you imagine the kind of shame she brings to loveth and Adam when she dresses up as a man, "she said making side comment with vian.

"Mom you should at list be nice to stop being rude to her for goodness sake "I said heading towards the direction.

I really don't know why my mom treats her like these and to think my parents and hers were all close friends in college, what really happen I will never know.

Jay p. O. V

After cleaning the mess on my dress I step out of the bathroom. I felt a tug on my right arm making land on a hard chest.

I looked up  only to  see Xavier smirking at me.

"Took you long enough I was  beginning to get impatient"he said playing with a strain of my hair.

"Why? Do you miss me so soon"I was playing the game he was playing. Trying to flirt with me.

He pull me towards a room up stairs, immediately the door slummed he started kissing me hungrily pushed  me towards the bed as he  slowly moved above me, kissing my neck, my shoulders.

I let out moan, my boby felt like it was fire. He drew my dress upward so it hiked up to my waist. His hands began to roam around my laps,  still I felt his fingers on my lace panties. My breath hitched, I didn't even know i held breath still I felt him rub his fingers on me.

I let out a loud moan. I was sure I was licking down there.

"So wet, mmh"he said just above my ear, as he bit on them slightly.

"Xavier "I moaned, as I felt pleasure erupt through me.

He shifted my panties, as he inserted a finger, I gasp at the sudden penetration.
He stretch me with his fingers, as something unknown began to build up as he finger fuck me.

He inserted the second finger causing a gasp from me as I felt the air left me.

He other hand massage my breast through the fabric.

"Mmmh so tight, I wounder how it will feel when I put my d*ck, penetrating your little tight cu*t "he whisper into my ear as he almost send me off the edge.

He  Finger fucked me so hard that I felt so full, I couldn't help but think how actual sex with him  going to be.

"Ahh ah mmm.... xavier.... I think am going.... "I said as I moved my hip to meet his friction as I climb high. I hit climax.

"Ohh xai"I shouted as I came down my high horse.

He removed his fingers and inserted it in his mouth as he sucked my jucies, It was the most sexiest thing I have seen.

I let my graze wonder to his trouser I could see his was painfully hard. As he followed my graze, looking down.

"Don't worry I will take care of it just go down stairs before someone starts looking for us"he said.

"Okay"I responded as I felt a blush crept up my face, I can't believe I had my first orgasm .

I hup off the bed, arrange my dress, fix my hair alittle so it doesn't look like I had the best orgasm hair.

And headed down stairs.

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