Chapter 4

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The vexo's were in the meeting room talking about the break in

Volt;how could security fail to see a intruder infiltrating the building
Volt said

Lync; and how could the cameras not see it
Lync said

Gus;apparently a guard was found unconscious outside the tower and he claimed that he was attacked from behind so we could tell who done it
Gus said

Mylene;the cameras did capture some footage of the intruder
Mylene said as a screen appears and begins to play the video and it shows Zane and dragonic entering the building

Shadow;hey that's the guy who stoped me from grabbing those bakugan!!
Shadow said

Gus;and you didn't report that shadow that could've saved us who is he
Gus said

Spectra;I know who he is
Spectra said

Mylene;And do tell us who exactly is that spectra
Mylene said

Spectra;that's Zane August one of the resistance members and the first one to join he's a great engineer and builder as well as a good a hiding in plain sight but his partner should be Pyrus Leonidas
Spectra said

The vexo's bakugan float next to their masters

Helios;It looks like he has a bakugan that could be some entertainment
Helios said

Brontes;ha look at that old outfit it must be 4 years old haha
Brontes said

Elico;Mylene we do not know anything about that bakugan
Elico said

As they talked a guard runs in and stops in front of the vexo's

Guard 1: sir there was 1 ship that entered the docking bay but before we could apprehend it they flew away should we go give chase
The guard said

Spectra;no let them go for now
Spectra said

Mylene;what why would you let him get away
Mylene said

Spectra; he only took some bakugan we can simply capture more and if he wanted to he could have hacked into the tower and shut it down
Spectra said

Gus; go and check every computer for anything suspicious in the tower's mainframe
Gus said to the guard as he runs out of the building

Volt;how would you know that spectra?
Volt said

Spectra;simple because we used to be friends
Spectra said as the vexo's continue talking

(Zane pov)

Zane was piloting the ship away from alpha city
Zane;alright we should be out of their radars for now let's go find somewhere to release those bakugan k
Zane said

Dragonic;very well Zane I'll go see if they are alright
Dragonic said as he leaves as Maria walks into the cockpit

Maria;alright Zane tell me everything you promised
Maria said as she looks towards Zane

Zane signs as he sets the ship to autopilot
Zane;alright where do I even begin
Zane said as he started to talk about the events that happened

As Zane was telling his story Maria listen and to Zane he could see the rage that was showing on Maria's face....once Zane finishes his story Maria punches the window making a large crack

Maria;after all the things you gave up to help them your dream, your friends, even your family and they just threw you away and that also goes for Leonidas he was your partner for a long time you helped him train to get stronger!
Maria said

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