Part 3/3

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Xiumin paced up and down his room. He and Luhan would be going on a date in - he checked his watch for the umpteenth time that morning - five minutes.

Do I look alright? he asked himself, looking in the mirror.

Their first proper date. Ever.

"You look cute," Luhan commented as they walked to the cinema, caps pulled low over their eyes.

Xiumin rolled his eyes. "I'm older than you, I should be calling you cute."

"But you're cuter."

Xiumin didn't bother telling him he didn't want to be called cute.

They heard the sound of footsteps behind them but it was just a tourist reading a guidebook.

"I'm too jumpy," Xiumin admitted as they continued walking.

"Yeah, me too," Luhan said quickly. He wanted the conversation to keep going. "Um, it's just up here." He pointed up another road.

At home, Sehun bumped into Tao. "Sorry," he muttered. "Um, Tao, where is Xiumin? I had something to give him."

"On a date with Luhan, I think," Tao replied.

Sehun's heart began to race. So it is serious, then? No, I'm not gonna let that happen. His hands balled into fists and he stormed out of the dorm after the two older boys.

He ran until he could see them. His fingernails were cutting into his palms and his voice cracked as he screamed, "Minseok!"

Xiumin turned around. "Sehun?"

"Please don't go out with him," Sehun pleaded. "Not with him..."

"What?" Luhan asked, staring at the younger boy.

Sehun held his painful heart to calm himself down. "I'm here to break you up," he said.

"Sehun," Luhan said, patronisingly, "I know how you feel--"

"No you don't!" Sehun yelled. He turned to Xiumin, his hands turner whiter by the minute in his anger. "Please, just don't go out with him."

"Why?" Xiumin asked softly.

"Because I'm in love with you, Xiumin," Sehun whispered. The quietness of his voice came as a shock after the shouting, but they heard every word.

Xiumin looked at his 'boyfriend'. Luhan's lips were slightly parted on surprise.

The older boy turned his gaze back to Sehun, who was red in the face from passion. Rage, love and heartbreak were written in the lines of his face and suddenly Xiumin realised something.

"I'm sorry Luhan," he said, "but I can't live without Sehun."

"Why him?" Luhan demanded.

"I only went out with you for...selfish gains," Xiumin confessed. "But I'm in love with Sehun, I really am."

"Fine, make this your date," Luhan said. He pointed a finger in Sehun's face. "Treat him well."

Sehun turned to Xiumin in disbelief. "Why did you say that?"

"Say what?"

"That you like me back."

Xiumin gave him a look. "Okay then, come on a date with me and I'll tell you why."

Sehun made a mental note to pay more attention when cleaning out his ears in the shower. Still, he thought he'd heard correctly. "Okay," he said, grinning from ear to ear.

Was that what you expected? ;)

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