new job new place

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I had just gotten a new job, I'm sick of Scott's lovey dovey threesomes kinda makes me wanna throw up sometimes, I love all three of them but I love them Seperated, Scott my brother and bestie, Isaac such a baby but he's adorable in his own way even if he wears scarfs in the midst of summer, and Allison she's cool like epic and badass she's probably like wonder woman if I was to give her a superhero trait, but alone and not in the same room together, so when Erica and Lydia came to me saying they found the perfect place for me, I didn't decline it despite the superstitious looks they gave me they are also working where I am starting but they been there a few years before me

When I got to the apartment it was empty, it was midday so I guessed my house mate was at work or off doing whatever, I wasn't given rules but I didn't think there was many I could break looking at the mess of the house so I did the one thing I could do, I put everything I had in the room that looked empty with the slightly ajar door that didn't read stay the fuck out or die, not that it said it it just gave of that dark Aura of I'll murder you if you go here, after hoarding my stuff into my room I started to clean up the house, only stopping when I felt like I was walking through the heat of the desert and no rain, I wasn't satisfied by how messy it still was by 10pm but I was way to tired to continue and I needed to at least set up my own room so I could sleep so thats what I did, I'll continue the house tomorrow after my first day of work.

I rolled over at the loud sound of my alarm, slamming my hand onto of it to shut it up before I zonked back out into sleep, jumping awake an hour later as the front door slammed shut, I glanced at the clock and raced out of bed as fast as my legs and feet could carry me, tripping over myself as I got in the bathroom to scrub clean, out of the whole house this seemed to be the cleanest place, which was weird kind of, I quickly showered and did everything I needed to do for my regular routine but I swear I broke a few world records doing so, specially the most amount of fall downs in under a minute, the place i work was only around the corner thankfully since my beloved roscoe was in the shop getting repaired again, let's just said Mechanic seeing duct tape all over the place is not a good thing when it comes to vehicles, I ran out locked the door and spammed the button to the lift all in 30 minutes of waking up, I bounced on my feet as I waited diving in and spamming ground floor humming along to the music of the elevator as it moved before speeding out of there and to the nearest coffee shop, yeah ok I have ten minutes to get into work but I cannot and will not function without my coffee

"If I got up on time I probably could have met my room mate today" I mumbled to myself as I waited in line, I think I'm going to be late since half of manhatten seems to think this is a great place to get coffee in the freaking morning don't they have a working coffee machine at home, no I don't I checked apparently this guy doesn't have coffee like seriously who doesn't have coffee, then again I don't know anything about him, I quickly ordered my coffee and once I got it I sped walked the fuck outta their and to the building I was now going to be working at, call me bonkers I don't actually know what I'll be doing as the secretary of the boss but I can do it, I'm good at running around after people, even if I am a little clumsy i still get it done and fast, Lydia helped me get the job when she found out I needed it, I got there introduced myself and got a pass to go to the top floor where the boss was and hell this company is huge apparently only on of 3 buildings and this has like 25-30 floors, I didn't look I just pressed the biggest number I could see and sipped my coffee as I waited reading the information I should have gone over last night "Mr Hale, 28, single" I raised an eyebrow did I really need to know if he was single, I almost choked at the fact that this looked more like a sheet for a date description then the boss specially since in big bold letters under his age and name that he was 100% gay, when the elevator finally pinged I stepped out of the lift and walked trying to read the rest of the sheet and not get distracted by the whole 100% gay and single, that was until I was gaping down at my coffee spilling all over the floor as I hit something as had as a wall, I'd be certain it was a wall if it didn't grunt as I walked into it.

My Boss Mr Hale (Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now