chapter 35

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Jiminie ssi!!!! Here!!!

Irene waves her hand from a table she was sitting on the restaurant she & jimin promised to meet...

Jimin looks at her...then walks towards her table....

Good morning ms.irene...

Good morning jiminnie ssi....oh...why are you being so formal...chill bro...sit...she says smiling...

Jimin nods & sits down...

Tell me...what do you wanna eat???

Nothing...i am not hungry...jimin replies softly...

That won't have to eat something...i am treating you..let me order something for you..waiter!!!

After their food arrived,jimin keeps looking down at his food silently..then he takes a deep breath...& looks at Irene...

Ms.irene...why did you call me here today?? He says with emotionless tone....

Ahh....irene puts her spoon down...i won't beat around the bush Jiminnie ssi...i call you here to talk about yoongi....irene smiles brightly...

Deep down in jimin's heart he already knew why did irene call him here for...he puts his hand down under the table..he strongly grips on his fingers... can i help you...

Jimmine ssi.....i...i like your brother....

Jimin feels a stab in his heart...he knows everything...everything from before..but still.... can t..tell him can i help you in this...jimin says controlling his tears...

You know your brother...right?? He is hard to approach...i tried many times...he doesn't response that much..he doesn't even talk that much..ahh...i don't know what to do...i know i can make him fall in love with me..i know that...i know i can make a better partner for him..i have that confidence in me..we will be perfect together jiminnie ssi... will be perfect together....

Jimin bites on his tongue to control his emotions......

So...i want your help jiminnie ssi...can you help me so i can express my feelings to him...i saw before...he listened you...he accepts everything you say...can you help me?? you love my hyung??

Jimin says in a cracking voice looking down....

Irene jolts with the sudden question...

I...i do...she replies...

Will you make him happy??

I will try my best to make him happy....

Can you promise me something??

Irene nods in reply...

Don't ever make hyung upset,okay?? He is cold outside,but inside..he has a pure heart...don't hurt him..he won't express on his own..but if he is hurt,his eyes express that..he is just like a little don't hurt him please. In depression he bites his nails. Keep him company at that time.okay?don't let him hurt to him.distract him from things that's bothering him.sometimes he will isolated himself.won't talk to don't need to talk to him at that time.just stay beside him quietly..sometimes he forgets to eat in his work pressure...make sure he eats properly..okay?? He smokes sometimes..he promised me he will leave it..can you make sure he leaves that?? He..he......jimin pauses....he is so much precious for me much precious that.....jimin clenched his fist...his emotions were shouting to flow down from his eyes...can..can you take care of him?? Can you promise me you will treasure him?? I..i can't see him sad...if..if he is in pain...tha..that will....jimin looks down....

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