Chapter 2 : From The Basics

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As you entered the building, you were amazed by the inside of it. It was filled with all sorts of medieval banner and armored guards patrolling around the area as you walk by. It was your first time to experience such a beautiful organized, structure you've ever seen. As you walk around, suddenly a light armored man stopped you. He glares at you with a fierce look while you praying for life.

' Hey!, what are you doin?'  Kinen suddenly jumps in while protecting you from the armored guy.

The armored guy suddenly bows towards Kinen.

'Sorry my lady, but is this person with you?'

'Yes, please forgive me if you misunderstood this person as a intruder'

'No my lady, it is my fault for not knowing it'

The armored looked at you with a relieved expression as he bows politely towards you.

'Sorry for my rudeness earlier towards you Stranger, i hope you forgive me for my mistake'

'It is fine, i didn't mind at all'

As you politely forgived the armored man for his behaviour earlier.

Kinen smiled while watching you awkwardly tries to calm the armored man.

'It's okay now Midas, you can continue your duty. Thanks again'  Kinen said while patting the armored man shoulder. The armored then walks away as Kinen turn towards you.

'That's Midas, he is the leader of Light Cavalries. He is one of the most loyal and strongest knight in this castle'  as Kinen points towards the armored men earlier. You look towards Midas again while amazed by his loyal self. Kinen then grabs your arm while smiled towards you.

'Then, shall we continue our tour?'

You nodded, after a few minutes walking around she brought you to a large court that almost looks like a training ground.

'This is our largest courtyard in this castle, it' a special place where all our troops gets their special tests and where all our event going to be held'

You look around the courtyard and again, you're amazed. You walk towards the courtyard as Kinen followed your lead, both of you walks to a nearby bench while watching a group of guards that are training.

While you were amazed looking around, Kinen turn towards you while smiling.

"Hey, btw i didn't really want to ask you before but i'm started to think about this more."

You tilt your head while hearing it, you started to wonder but eventually, you decided to tell her honestly about yourself.

"Ask away", you looked at Kinen with a blank expression."

"Can you actually fight?", She asked

You started to noticed that Kinen are aware of your ability. You nodded as she shocked by hearing your answer. Kinen then walks around while thinking about something until suddenly she started to smirk as she look towards you.

"Hey, i got an idea for you"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2020 ⏰

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