Chapter 5

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The training begins..

After King Dedede had bamboozled Little Mac into fighting "Lucario", he unluckily bumped into the space pilot himself, Falco Lombardi, and it looks as if he was hungry for a little gamble.

"Hey, Triple D! Fancy a flutter?" he sneered.

"Buzz off, ya birdbrain!" Dedede snapped.

"I'll give you odds to ten to one on Little Mac!" he offered.

The penguin's eyes lit up. If it was something he'd do anything for, it was money. As well was food. Okay, well, mostly food.

"Yo mean, if I bet 20 smash coins on Mac, an' he wins, I get 30 back?!" he screamed excitedly.

Big mistake, Dedede...

"That a deal?" Falco asked.

The King reached into his robe pocket and fished around for cash, and gave all of it to the scammer himself.

"Don't worry, I'll just take whatever you've got," he smiled. And with that, he took Dedede's money and strutted off, his head held high that he would win yet another bet.

"Ya'll better still, just give meh mah winnin's now!"

Ah. Dedede didn't know who Little Mac was really up against. He'd assumed it was Lucario, as King K. Rool mentioned that he was going to chat to him.

"Winnings?" Falco chuckled, raising an eyebrow and leaned towards Dedede.

"Do you think Little Mac could beat Incineroar?" He lowered his voice, and walked away.

NATCH! King Dedede's eyes widened like smash balls and he almost broke into a cold sweat.

"Incineroar?!" He whimpered.

King Dedede knew that Heel Pokemon was the newest Pokemon in the roster, and he'd heard and learnt nutty things about that kitty, including the fact that he's apparently he's absolutely gushy when it comes to babies. Or whatever.

But most of the things he knew about Roary were not that nice. The king was still going to go on, though even if he was going to work Little Mac to death!


30 minutes later, King Dedede and Little Mac had left the grounds of the Smash Mansion, and arrived at the Wii Fit Studio for Mac's training. The champion boxer, wasn't bothered about exercising as it was only "Lucario" he was fighting, and not someone like Bayonetta or Ganondorf. He began to trail towards the Spa to spruce himself up a little for battle.

"Um, where do ya'll think you're goin'?" Dedede snapped.

"A warm up, sauna, a swim, a shower and I'm ready for battle!" Mac insisted.

King Dedede main objective here was to make sure that Incineroar loses all of his nine lives, so he could have the remote for the rest of the month. Mac had to push it to the max.

"Aw, hell naw!" he scolded, and forcefully pushed Mac towards the gymnasium, where the fighters actually have their battles in tournament.

"I've gotta intense workout and diet program worked out for ya!"

"What for? I'm only fighting that Aura Pokemon!"

Dedede still hadn't told him. There was a awkward silence between the both of them, as he looked around nervously, away from Little Mac.

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