•~•~•|Nqrse x Reader|•~•~•

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~°~°~°|Y/N's POV|°~°~°

"Naruse, stop" my eyes twitched when I saw him ignoring me. I get that's he's too busy with rapping and playing Splatoon, but he doesn't have to ignore me!! I sighed and just cooked omurice because I was taught by the great Yoosung Kim. I called out Naruse's name but like awhile ago, he ignored me and screamed.

'What the heck is wrong with my boyfriend?' my thoughts git the best of me that I almost forgot about my omurice. I snapped out and prepared everything for dinner. I gotta admit, I wanna have a revenge, I'll not give him dinner, he should prepare that himself. I giggled and started to eat, I sliced the egg in half and all the inside came out.

"Yum~" I hummed and took a bite, the fluffy egg was cooked in butter not oil that's why. Naruse came in the dinning room asking why the heck he has no dinner.

"I don't know, ask yourself"

"Why the heck are you salty"

"And again, ask yourself that"Naruse gave up and just prepared for his food.

"So what did I do?" I ignored him and continued my eat.

"Are you going through you days?" I blushed and muttered.

"Shut up" I picked up my dinner and washed the dishes.

"Aww, is someone not getting the attention she deserves? Don't worry I'll give you all the attention you deserve tonight" Naruse winked and sneaked his arms on my waist.

"No, it's just that you have a problem that you should solve" Not staring at him because he's getting spoiled later by me.

"Ohoho~, getting dirty minded are we?" I blushed and realized what I said to him.

"Pervert!!" I slapped him hard then he flew away with a nosebleed. He came back without a nosebleed this time, but instead,  he have a hot looking face that says 'I'll smash you later baby'. I gulped,  what did I get myself into...

▪□■[ Timeskip! ]■□▪

"Naruse, my legs hurt like heck" I groaned. I grabbed the blankets and covered my body.

"That's your problem now, baby" he smirked evilly which made me annoyed.

Utaite x Reader Oneshots [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now