Freedom And Pain

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The Winx woke up to get ready for school. They went down stairs to see if their abusive mother came home and to their surprize she paased out on the floor.

"Ok" Musa started quietly. "Let's go because I really wanna get out of here" The Winx left the house and walked down the street to their new school. Stella was really pleased about going to school, how much she hated it but she's glad about it.

"Stella what if everyone finds out about our....scars" Flora asked. "Flo.Im gonna make sure no one finds out. We would be known as emo's (EMO'S are people who cut their wrists but this is the mother's doing).

They go to the school building, quiet they were, people where looking at them in a weird sort of way. Boys were giving them the look, you know the pervert look. The Winx got to the head teacher's office.

"Ahh,you must be the new girls" she said, the Winx sat down in the chair's in the office.

"Umm, yes we are mam" Flora said. Her shyness was getting the best of her again. The head principal gave them a sweet smile.

"Well I'm Ms. Faragonda , and I'm here if you have any trouble with a few students." Ms Faragonda said. Tecna looked at her and for the first time. She smiled but it hurt when she smiles because of her lip.

"Ok here are you time-tables, your books and I will show you girls to your locker's " she said, they got up and left the office, got their bags and followed Ms Faragonda to their new lockers. They walked down the hall to the lockers, the girls got looked at 7 guys but they didn't look back.

"Ok here we are, here are your pin to open and If you have trouble come and find me" she said she walked away, "THANKS MS. FARAGONDA!" Musa shouted as she was about to open her locker, pain went through her wrist and she felt tears.

"Shh, Musa its ok" Bloom comforted her in a hug. "I HATE HER!" Musa shouted but she created a scene, a guy looked at her he was wearing a white muscle shirt with black jeans. His eyes are a dark violet colour and was glaring at the Winx way.

"WHATS THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM!" he shouted as he walked away with 7 guys. "It's ok Musa ignore him" Aisha said. She now felt pain in her wrist.

"Come on lets go to first lesson" Tecna said as she picked up Musa followed the rest to the music class.


"You should have heard she just shouted 'I hate her' man, she probably has problems"A guy glared he that is known as the great Riven Nebula, his other other friend was abit taller than him, he had dark brown eyes and dark brown hair in a braid, he had the same clothes as Riven but he had a purple sweatshirt and grey jeans.

"We know Riven, I was there, maybe all of them have problems. But whatever it is let's stay away" Sky said, but he can't get the cyan-eyed girl out of his mind; he thought she was beautiful but he has to stay away from her. "Sky's right I think that the nerdy looking one needs her hair done." Another specialist said. He had hazel eyes, he had light brown/ orange hair. He had a green t-shirt, white jeans. His name was Timmy.

"I don't know..I think the honey brown haired girl was cute." Helia said. He has long black hair.

"Are you out of your mind!" Andy nearly yelled. "The pink haired chick looked weird! The ginger looked kinda hot though"

Andy had short black hair and dark brown eyes.

Sky felt a serge of anger go through him.

Another specialist hit Andy. " Dude! Don't be such a pervert!" He yelled.

He had short brown hair and chocolate brown eyes.

"Yea whatever Brandon!" Andy rolled his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2013 ⏰

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