One: You've got the wrong girl

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My day started out normal.  And by that, I mean a huge chicken woke me up.

The chicken was probably seven feet tall.  It's feathers were a deep brown, and it looked, well,  scary.  I first saw it when I was eleven.  It pushed me off my bed and I got a concussion.  When I got back from the hospital, I threw a knife at it.  It dissapearred.

Ever since, it has been back every week or two. 

I was sleeping behind the school in the bushes.  It woke me up by squawking, before charging me.  I opened my eyes in time to register what was happening, and roll out of the way.  I stabbed the chicken in it's neck and poof, it was gone.

Just then the bell rang and kids started walking by.  I got up, dusted myself off, and joined everyone.  I was almost to first period when Brady blocked my path.

He grabbed my arm before dragging me away from the crowds.  I knew better than to make a scene.

His friends all waited there.  Brady slammed me into the locker, and I groaned.

"Where's my english assignment?"  He asked angrily.  Crap.  The library closed early yesterday so I didn't have time to work on it.

I gulped.  "I forgot about it.  I'll finish it by tonight.  Mr. Fitz doesn't care if it's late."  My head still throbbed from yesterday, when I talked back and ended up with a black eye.  Before he could say or do anything his girlfriend, Tiffany, walked over.

She wore her usual cheer uniform and ignored me.  "Hey babe, I need to have a chat with Maddy.  See you in class?"  She said in her annoying high pitched voice.  He kissed her and left without another glance at me.

Tiffany looked me up and down.  "You know what, Maddie?  I think you're pretty cool.  I almost don't want to kill you."

Wait- what?  I looked confusedly around at the suddenly empty hallways.  I tried to walk away, but Tiffany grabbed my arm with her hand and forced me against the wall.  Her hand felt weird, like a claw.

I pulled out my knife.  "I don't know what your problem is, but you should really go."  She looked amused.  I could feel my heart beating rapidly.  Her arm reeled back like she was winding up to punch me.  I slashed the knife at her side and she bled.  Her blood was black.

Oh no.  Grover said this would happen.  I should have taken the first bus out of here as soon as we got in that fight.

Weeks ago, my best friend Grover had started acting weird.  He was awesome; even though Brady only gave me trouble because I stood up for Grover.  I stood up for him, and he helped me keep my cool.

Then, the chicken came by when I was with Grover.  I killed it easily, but Grover totally freaked out.  He broke down, Explaining the greek gods and what I was.  I got so mad.  He told me I would be safe, that there was a place for kids like me.  

I turned to leave, but Grover stood in my way.  He wasn't very tall, but he was still taller than me.  He would never hurt anyone.  I would.  I had shoved him.  Hard.  I didn't mean to.  I ran away from the school.  That was two weeks ago.

Now, I was running down the hallways from a cheerleader straight from hell.  I turned the corner but she was already there,  I slashed my knife again but she yanked me by the arm and threw me against the lockers.  I landed on my side.

She had her own weapon, a long spear.  I tried to get up and run, but she thrust the spear into my foot.  I screamed.  When I tried to sit up, everything was tinted red.  My foot throbbed.

Two figures were sprinting towards me.  They attacked Tiffany.  Now was my chance.  I slowly pulled the spear from my foot.  My arms shook as the heavy spear fell to the ground.  I leaned on the lockers to get up.  I took off in the opposite direction, towards the exit, leaving a trail of blood.

My ears rang.  Someone shouted at me to stop.   I kept going, until tripped over my throbbing foot, and was caught in the arms of some dude.  He looked about a year younger than me.  His black hair was matted to his pale skin with sweat.  He slowly sat me down.  I swung at him, but he easily caught my shaky fists and didn't let go.

The other boy, who looked closer to my age, stabbed Tiffany in the chest.  She burst into dust.  Oh god, I knew who these guys were.

These were Grover's friends from that stupid camp.  They would take me back with them.

I stood up slowly, and tried to walk around the younger boy.  He blocked my way.  He may have been younger, but he was my height.  At full strength I could have gotten away, but my body felt like it was shutting down.

"You're hurt, let me help you.  Just sit down.  We can take you someplace safe.  Please sit down."  He pleaded.  I tried to shove him, but I was too weak.  He caught my wrists and firmly stood in front of me.  My hazel eyes locked with his brown ones.  I was always told not to show fear, but right now I was just so terrified.

He tried to get me to sit down, but I just stood there.  My foot was throbbing and I felt dizzy and tired.  I had to get out of here.  The boy took a step towards me and I one back.

I struggled not to fall, and he grabbed my wrists to steady me.  "I shouldn't be here.  You don't understand, I'm not a half blood.  This is a mistake.  You've got the wrong girl."  I yanked my hands away and tried to shove past him.

The boy looked behind me to his friend.  "Percy!  A little help?  You need to hold her still so I can get us out of here."  Suddenly someone yanked the back of my shirt, sending me backwards.  I was caught in the muscular arms of some guy named Percy.  My back was against his chest, and I struggled to stand as he held me in place.  I tried to get away, but he held me there firmly.  "Okay, bring her over here to the shadow."

Percy let me go, but grabbed me by the arm and roughly dragged me towards his friend.  I couldn't walk on my foot though.

I cringed at the fast pace that Percy forced me to comply with.  "Careful, she's hurt."  His friend said quietly.

"I don't care, Nico.  She hurt Grover.  She deserves it."  He grumbled.  

"Let me- go."  I tried again to yank my arm free.  I succeeded, but used too much power and ended up falling to the ground.  I landed on the cold tiles and coughed.  Percy was fuming.  He grabbed me by the collar, forcing me up.  He dragged me over to Nico.

When we reached his friend Nico, my legs gave out.  Percy grabbed me before I fell and picked me up.  I tried to push him away, and escape his grasp.  Black dots danced in my vision.  "Stop fighting me, kid."  He said quietly.

Nico grabbed Percy and I blacked out.

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