14: I fall to my death

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The van doors opened and I snapped awake.  I was shivering in Perseus' hoodie.  I think I had a fever.  My wrists hurt from the ropes, but I think I was doing pretty okay.

Two demigods brought Pollux out, and I shuffled deeper into the van.  Kato hopped inside and walked to me, as my back hit the wall.  He grabbed the rope around my wrists with one hand, and my neck with the other- Not tight enough that I couldn't breathe, but firm enough that it was a clear warning.

He yanked the ropes and I had no choice but to stand, then he dragged me out of the van.

He grabbed me by my upper arm and we walked away.

We were at Mount Othrys.  The air was cold and damp and monsters along with demigods walked around in armor.  Kato slammed me against the side of the cave, and I groaned.

"Take her weapons."  Kato ordered the other guy.  He had an eyepatch on under his armor.  He grabbed my backpack and tossed it aside.  He patted me down, and grabbed my knife.  I surged forwards.

"Hey!  You can't just take that!  Give it back!"  I yelled.  Kato angrily walked over and pushed me back.  I struggled to keep my footing.

He got close to me.  "Listen, Madison.  It's over.  You're gonna die here by the hands of Kronos, or you will pledge your loyalty.  Stop fighting us and just give up already."

I kicked him away and he fell.  He looked angry.  I tried to run, but more demigods just grabbed me.  The guy finished patting me down and Kato spun my knife in his hands.

"Pledge your loyalty and I'll give it back."  He taunted.

I glared.  "I'd rather die.  You're on the losing side."

That made him madder.  He shoved me into the wall again and I hit my head.  I had to stay conscious.  Someone forced me up and dragged me away.

We were taken to a big cave where Luke, the guy from my dream, was sitting on a half built throne.

He opened his eyes and they were pure gold.  I thrashed harder against Kato to try and leave, but he easily dragged me forward.  He looked mesmerized in the titan's presence.

He kicked the back of my knees and forced me to kneel.  I looked at the ground intently.  Pollux stared at me worriedly.

A sword nudged me in the back.  "Look at lord Kronos when in his presence.  Or else."  Kato warned.

I focused on the scar running down his face.

"Welcome,"  Spoke the titan in a terrifying voice.  "To my mountain.  I have heard much about this quest of yours, and the child of war who can absorb energy.  Now pledge yourselves or I'll make an example out of you."

Wow.  I was tempted to start laughing.  I knew from my training I was in shock, but I didn't really care.

I smiled.  "Um . . . no.  I don't know about you, Pollux, but I'm not a big fan of pledging."

"Hmmm.  Me neither.  Let's get out of here."  Pollux responded.  I think we were so close to death we were saying whatever we wanted.  I looked around.  There were three exits- the way we came which was crowded with monsters and armed demigods, the cliff to our right, or the exit behind Kronos himself.  I was crazy, so I wanted to go straight towards him.  And I did.

First, I gave Pollux a look.  Then I felt where the sword was.  It was still resting the point on my back.  I leaned back and brought my tied wrists up, and the sword cut them.  I popped up and grabbed Kato by the arm.  I sucked up a lot of energy, grabbed his sword, and hit the hilt of it against the other guy's head.  Pollux was almost free, too.  

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