The Claiming

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Me: hey Leo do you want to do the disclaimer
Leo: what do I have to say
Me: the author doesn't own us uncle rick does
Me: #TeamLeo
Me: just say it
Leo: fine
Leo: the author doesn't own us uncle rick does
Leo: who is uncle rick
Percy: beats me
Me,Percy,Leo: ON WITH THE STORY!!!!
Nico:come on out
Nico was then pushed to the ground and when he turned over he saw a girl. Then what the girl said surprised him.
Girl: RUN
Nico ran with the girl in front of him. He sped up to show her were the big house is.
Nico: what's your name ?
Malari: malari
Nico: ok malari we need to take you to the big house
2 minutes later
Nico: hey Chiron I found her in the woods
Chiron: what's her name?
Nico and malari: malari
Chiron: ok malari do you know the Greek gods
Malari: yeah those stupid myths of course I know them
Chiron: well there real
Malari: it sounds stupid but it explains a lot
Chiron: there's more
Chiron: sometimes the gods come down to earth and have kids with mortals
Nico: and so those kids are 50% mortal and 50% godly
Chiron: and so we call them demigods
Chiron: and your inside the camp border so your a demigod
Nico: well let's take you to the Hermès cabin
At the Hermès cabin
The stolls: Determined or Undetermined?
Nico: undetermined
All of the Hermès cabin: **groan**
Chiron: lights out
All of the Hermès cabin: **groan**
Morning mess hall
Chiron: ATTENTION!!!
Chiron: we have a new camper
Chiron: and her name is malari
Malari: hi
Chiron: that is all
Tyson: she look just like you brother
Percy: yeah like a girl version of me
Bathroom clarisse POV
Clarisse was stalking the campers walking by the bathroom until she saw her.
Clarisse: there she is
Chris: let's grab her
Drive-by malari POV
I was walking back toward the Hermès cabin when I was snatched into the bathrooms
Clarisse: welcome to CHB twerp
That was all I heard when I went underwater. After she didn't see me flail around like a lunatic she tried to see how long I could hold my breath until this happened........
Chris:clarisse she's been under for ten minutes she's probably unconscious or dead 💀
Clarisse: fine
I finally broke the surface and all I could think about was how I wasn't dead 💀. Then I felt an unfamiliar tug in my gut and one thing led to another and the toilets exploded and the roof caved in. I soon lost consciousness and had a dream.........or a nightmare
Malari's dream malari POV
I was in a dark chamber tied to a chair. After what seemed like forever the lights came on
Woman: hello little demigod
Malari:wha- wher- who are YOU!!!
Medea:Relax little demigod, for I am Medea!!!
Malari: Oh you mean your that 'beep' who ran off with original Jason
Medea: why does everyone say that
Medea: we're getting off-topic
Medea: any ways I know who your godly parent is and you don't
Malari: tell me NOW !!!
Medea: for that extra slice of anger your going up
at that point I was terrified. She catapulted me up and could have sworn I did three backflips. I then saw a flash of yellow light and I woke up.
End of dream Malari's POV infirmary
I woke up in a place I never seen before.
Malari: where am I? Who are you?
Will: You are in the infirmary at CHB and I am Will Solace
Will: I'm kinda p•••ed that I don't get to go to the campfire and play music
Malari: how long was I out?
Will: 10 hours
Malari: I need to go
I then sprinted out of the infirmary and to The campfire. When I got there everyone was staring at the top of my head.
Malari: what is there something on my head?
Nico: look 👀
Chiron: All hail malari Jones , daughter of************

(A/N) sorry about the cliffhanger but I had to do it and if your wondering I write a chapter a day and if your reading this in January 2020 then I'm still writing cause I wrote this on January 26 2020
Bye 👋 735 words

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