Thousands of Years Past (Modern AU)

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It has been thousands of years. Forever stuck in my twenty-year-old body, the curse in full effect.

I've watched all the magic beings slaughtered, hunted to extinction. If not dead now in hiding from the humans that will tear them apart without hesitation. I was cursed at birth not told as to what the curse was and I sometimes wish I had never known. The curse of a bond, a bond of true love. Lest had I fallen in love with a bloody Witcher, the White Wolf; Geralt of Rivia.

The silver-headed man saved me from a kikimora and cared for me until I returned to my village.  He then saved once more from a loveless marriage to a lord that bought me from my family. Exclaimed to me that I had cast a spell or some other bullshit cause he kept wanting to come back to me 'it drove me insane' he would scream as he'd pace all the while pulling at his silver locks. Despite his angered demeanour, to be with him brought me peace.

As a lady, I brought him in and gave him housing. I left that place with him a week later, on our travels I had been nicknamed the waterless siren. Magic powers awakened, but almost useless in our travels. He'd say to me on restless nights, "Sing for me, (Y/N). Allow me to sleep."


But now in modern days, I hide from him. Not in fear but only because I wish to protect him but people are snooping and I have to leave soon. For the past fifty years, I've spent without him have been lonely. Over the years, I've been training my voice now used as a weapon of sorts.

A high school, where I learned what the humans call their past was home for a while, I took control of teachers and fellow students and rallied everyone in one spot. Chatter calmed once you stepped into the large gym. Clad in a flowing Ivory dress, one breath in and out came your voice. Enchanting them one by one you change memories that had you in them each one relived by you.

The song ended leaving them and yourself in a trance, they know you as a guest here to sing for them. But the loud clap of leather gloves drew the attention to a tall broad man, with glowing silver hair in a ponytail, cat-like golden eyes studied you. You heard your name glade from his lips to enchant your ears.

Like a spell the people that used to know you didn't exist; just you two. He stood there in the doorway and watched you. Slowly at first almost unsure the only sound was the shift of your dress and the sound your heeled shoes hitting the ground.

"Geralt..." Like whisper but to him it was loud and clear.

You picked your skirt and ran towards him, feeling that rush and warmth no other can give you. Over fifty-years, you've longed to feel his embraced, to feel his muscles under your touch, to hear his voice.

You jumped into his arms knocking him back a couple of steps he wrapped himself around you. Warm hands glided around your bareback, a deep hum came from him when your much frail arms around his neck pulling closer as he lifts you from the ground.

Like that you two disappeared from the small high school.


Light fleeted in from the window sheets moving from your shoulders as you turn in the strong arms wrapped tightly around your waist. You smiled the sight of the sleepy gold eyes, your fingers fleeted against his scared chest; already knowing each of their stories.

"Good morning, my wolf", you whispered and brushed his hair out of his face.
"And to you, my angel." Giggling you feel him pull your warm body closer while rubbing stubble on your neck.
"Can't believe you still keep that nickname of mine", you push his face off only to peck the corner of his mouth.
"They called you siren, I think you are an angel, and you are mine." He responded with kisses on your forehead and lips, causing you to erupt a glowing smile. He slips his rough hands under the oversized shirt you stole- burrowed from him. Burrowing himself into your collar bone he grumbles,
"What shall we do today, my (Y/N)"
"If you can manage to let me go, I can make some breakfast." He paused for a minute and like a disgruntled 'hm' before gently biting your collars causing you jump a bit before kiss the spot and moved to let you go.

Almost a month ago he found you, both of you in silent agreement left and came here. A well sized house in the middle of woods, with windows spanning the kitchen wall with the sink and two story high windows in the living room. With this much access it almost feels like when you'd sleep on the ground with all those years ago.
We sat in silence his eyes on the road. You silently wrapped your hand around his free one causing him to briefly look over at you and squeeze your hand in acknowledgment.
"How did you find me?" He thought for minute while stroking your knuckles.
"Hm. I heard your voice and then I kept hearing it so I followed it and it brought me to that school. It reminded me of how you love knowledge and so it all made sense." You could tell that he was tired, without you sleep was hard for him.
"Geralt..."He grunted in response.
"Have you ever wondered what I'd look like if I aged, not just some twenty something or some would even call a teenager?"
He takes turn on some off road and slows down, allowing him to look you in the eyes.
"I'd be lying if said no. But you are you I know how old you are that's all that matters." You reared up thinking you left him for fifty years.
"While I was gone I thought about children a lot." We came up to a two story house surrounded by trees a stall in the back holding to horses.
"And? What was your conclusion?" He parked infront. Awaiting your answer.
"We've watched many wars, we didn't take any children with us because our life was too dangerous but now we leave here away from harm. They need homes and can give it to them, we obviously can't have kids, so why not." He smiled at you being a couple thousand years old never stopped you loving children. Geralt leaned over and kissed you then placed his forehead against yours.
"After we've settled in, we can talk about this. But I've spent fifty years without you and I was getting pretty lonely." 
"What you giggling about?" Geralt's gravely voice startled you as you looked up with knife in hand.
"I was thinking about that conversation when we first came to this place." You relaxed and continued to cut the vegetables infront of you.
"I am not quite done with having you to myself yet." He shuffles quietly from his place on the island to behind you.
"You are being greedy, wolf." He takes the knife away and starts chopping the rest while you get on whisking the eggs.
"But everything is as destiny wills it, my love", you put down the bowl and kiss him when he looked over at you.
"Of course. After all you are my destiny."

Geralt of Rivia x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now