Chapter 11

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"Wake up!" Eden shouted when he opened my door. How did he even open it? I ignored him and burried my face in my pillow. Eden walked to my window and opened the curtains.
"No! You monster! Close them!" I begged. He walked back to me.
"Wake up! We have to go because we still have to ask Marc if we can leave."
"Just a few more minutes, please!" We both knew I didn't just want a few minutes. Oh well.
"No, Cat! Get up or I'll make you." He smirked and I looked at him.
"No you won't." I said. He smirked even harder and walked to the bathroom. I waited for a few seconds when I closed my eyes again. After a few minutes I heard his footsteps again.
"You better get up." I opened one eye and looked at the glass he was holding above my head, filled with water.
"Don't you dare." I said and half-smirked.
"You have 3 seconds." He playfully tilted the glass a bit. I didn't move but then I felt one or two drops of water on my face.
"Oh my god, no!" I quickly stood up. "I'm up!" He just laughed at me.
"Ugh, I hate you." I jokily said when I passed him on my way to the bathroom. He grabbed my hand and made me turn so our heads were close to each other.
"You love me so much." He said and smiled like an idiot.
"Maybe." I answered and winked at him. "I'm going to take a quick shower." He didn't answer but turned on my TV, the usual.
I showered really quickly, because we didn't have much time anymore. I didn't have to worry about missing my plane, though. Neymar sent his private plane so we would be comfortable. I put on some high waisted shorts, white all-stars and Neymar's jersey as I promised to him. He gave it to me so I was happy to wear it. I dried my hair, brushed my teeth and walked out of the bathroom.
"Ready!" I said and Eden jumped up. He looked at my jersey.
"Of course it's Neymar's." He winked at me and we walked out.
"You ask Marc." I said.
"No! You ask Marc. You talk a lot and he can't say no to you."
"He loves you!"
"He loves you too!"
I sighed. "Fine. Just because it's you."
"Awh. Being sweet, are we?" He said and I smiled a little. It was nice being around him. I enjoyed these moments with him because I didn't know what was going to happen after the World Cup. I guess Eden didn't know either, because we both didn't talk about it.
"Marc!" Eden said when he walked through the hallway. "Just the guy we need." He pushed me a bit forward. What a loser.
"Good morning." Marc smiled. "Is something wrong?" He asked and looked at me.
"Uh, no! Everything's fine, we just wanted to ask you if we had the permission to go watch Brazil's game today." I said very quickly. He had to let us go.
"Brazil's game? Today? We have training today!"
"Yeah, we know but we'll be back before that!" Eden answered.
"Where is it? Are you flying now?"
"If we can, we're flying to São Paulo now.." I hesitated. "Please Marc, we will be back before training." I smiled my sweetest smile.
He sighed. "Fine. But you're back before training, alright?"
"We promise!" Eden said and grabbed my hand. "Let's go!"

I checked my phone and noticed I had a message from Neymar.
Have a nice flight, not doubting that tho ;)
What did he do now.. We boarded the plane and I immediately noticed how cozy and romantic it was. Way to be subtle, Neymar. I rolled my eyes and walked further.
The seats were close so no one could walk between them. I walked around and saw a couple of movies on the table. The Notebook, If I Stay, The Fault in Our Stars, The Last Song..
Alright, I'm going to kill Neymar as soon as I see him.
"Loving the movies." I joked and he laughed when he saw them.
"Did you pick them?" He asked.
"Neymar did." I said and he smiled.
"Of course he did."
Oh my god! You're the best friend e-ver! So not pushing me or anything xoxo, I texted to Neymar, making sure he noted the sarcasm.
We sat in our seats when a girl, who worked here, walked in.
"Welcome! If you need anything. Just call me or push this button." She pointed at a little button close to the door.
"Don't hesitate to ask." He winked at Eden. I rolled my eyes. Girls..
"Don't be jealous there, sweetie! He quoted me from yesterday, when the girl left.
"Is there a reason to be?" I played along and raised one eyebrow.
"Of course not." He smirked.
"Great." I smiled. "What movie are we watching?"
"You chose. They're all the same to me."
"If I Stay?" I asked.
"Perfect." He answered.
I smiled and put it on.

When the movie ended, we were almost in São Paulo.
"We're almost there!" The girl walked in again and looked at Eden. "How was the flight?" She smiled at him.
"Amazing! Had a great time with my girl." He smiled and grabbed my hand, messing with the girl.
The girl felt awkward as hell. "Oh-well, that's great! If you need anything-"
"We'll push the button, yeah, thanks." I finished and winked at her.
She just ignored me and left. We both burst out in laughter.
"Having the slight feeling she's into you." I winked as he was still holding my hand.
"I'm not interested in her." He said, sounding more serious.
"Oh, aren't you? And may I ask in who you're interested in, then?"
"A beautiful girl, amazing personality and she just happens to be my ex-girlfriend. I can't believe I let her go." He looked into my eyes.
"Sounds like you were really stupid.." I got lost into his eyes and wanted to kiss him so badly.
"We arrived in São Paulo." It sounded from the speakers. I cleared my throat and looked away, as he did the same. "A taxi is waiting and will bring you to the stadium. Hope you had a good flight!" Oh my god. I thought this only happened in movies and books. I was hoping things weren't awkward now..

We arrived at the stadium and got out of the taxi. He was already paid so we just thanked him.
There was paparazzi everywhere but we just ignored them. We did stop by some fans and took pictures. After 15 minutes, Eden came close and whispered in my ear: "If you want to see Neymar before the game, we have to go right now." His warm breath made me shiver, he was always sexy. No matter what he did.
"Alright, let's go then." I took his hand and we walked inside. A guard leaded us to the changing rooms after I showed my pass. The whole team was getting ready for the game against Croatia.
"Brazil!!!" I shouted as I walked into the room. I didn't know all the players, because I never worked with Brazil NT before. I only knew Neymar - of course, Oscar, Ramires, Filipe Luis, Willian and David Luiz from Chelsea, Dani Alves from Barcelona, and Marcelo and Thiago Silva.
"You made it!" Neymar shouted as he hugged me. "Missed you, City-Cat!"
"Missed you back, Ney." I smiled and said 'hello' to the rest of the team and hugged the players I knew. I saw Eden talking to Oscar when I felt someone hugging me from behind.
"Missed me?" My eyes widened as I heard David Luiz' voice.
"Davi!" I turned around and hugged him. "Of course I did!" We talked for a bit but then we had to leave because the game was about to start. Eden took my hand and I smiled as we walked to seats.

Marcelo scored an early own goal, but Neymar made the equalizing goal in the 29th minute. The whole stadium went crazy. He had put his index fingers high and looked up. After that, his teammates came running to him and hugged him and stuff. He scored a penalty too and winked at me after. Oscar ended the game with an amazing goal in the 91st minute. We quickly visited the team after the game and congratulated them because we had to go back for training.

Training was good and the team was getting ready for the game. Eden walked me to my door and I smiled at him.
"I enjoyed today." Eden said and we stood in front of my door.
"Yeah." I smiled. "Me too."
He looked into my eyes. I hated it when he did that, because it made me go crazy. He took my hand and stroked it a bit, not looking anywhere but my eyes.
"You mean so much to me. I can't lose you." He said. "Not again."
"Eden, you know I-"
"I know it's not possible, but I realized today how much I missed you. And I realized how incomplete my life is without you. I feel like I'm always missing a piece. Like there's always a hole inside of me. And you are the only one who can fill it."
"We'll figure things out."
"I really hope so." He looked down and let go of my hand.
"Goodnight, Cato." He hugged me and I hugged him back really tight. I didn't want to let go, so we just stood there for a bit.
"Goodnight, Eden." I kissed his cheek and went inside my room. I sighed and quickly got ready for bed. I was hoping I would fall asleep quickly because I didn't want to think about leaving Eden again, though he was the only thing I could think of.


Hi dorkies!

Chapters are getting longer :)
Hope you like it!

Eddie scored yesterday! I was soooo happy yayyy! :D

Have fun reading!

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