Chapter 5: Red

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Falling asleep wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I leaned against the back of the crate and put my head on the side. My blanket was large enough to cover my entire body but I still pulled my knees to my chest to gain extra warmth. I nuzzled into the blanket as I fell asleep quiet peacefully.

I woke up to an excruciating pain in my neck. It was as though I was being electrocuted, my body convulsed violently. I let out a long agonizing scream along with several whimpers. My eyes stayed tightly shut as my face contoured in agony. When the pain finally stopped my body fell forward hitting the bars with a painful thud. My neck was sore and felt as though it had been burned, my head also ached due to the fall. I opened my eyes slowly to see what happened when I did I saw a man standing in front of my crate with a large smirk on his face.

I hoisted myself up and scooted to the back of the carrier. The man was buff, his muscles stuck out through his thin long-sleeved shirt. He had brown short hair and his eyes were a deep red hue, he seemed to look through me not at me. "I see you like your collar" he said with a chuckle "did you hear how pathetic you sounded" he laughed again. "such a worthless being, well now that your awake" he said as he unlocked my cage. I whimpered a bit afraid that he would hurt me, he smiled "so fucking pitiful, I like the fear in your eyes" he said licking his lips.

He unlocked my crate and opened the door he put a slice of bread and a tiny bowl of soup into my crate. The bread seemed dirty and maybe even stale, I couldn't tell if it was wheat or white bread on account of the dirt. the soup seemed to be a concoction of scrap food with a dark broth . "Your lucky you even get food today, the rest of them have to wait 2 more day" he said looking irritated.

He looked at me and sniffed the air "give me your hand" he said in a demanding voice. I tucked my hands under me so he couldn't do whatever he was going to do. He raised a button that I assume goes to the shock collar around my neck. His finger inched near the button slowly, I finally whimpered and gave up pulling my hand out from under me. I stuck my hand out to him, my hand was shaking out of fear. He grabbed my hand and smelled it egarly. I don't know what he was smelling for but whatever it was he found it.

He flipped my hand over and licked my wrist slowly I tried to pull my hand away but he had it gripped tightly. I felt his teeth graze my skin before he pulled away suddenly and let my hand go. "Mmm I can't wait till your blood supply replenishes, you smell amazing" he said with a groan. I whimpered and pulled my hand away quickly pulling it close to my chest.

He reached in my crate suddenly and slammed my head into the side and keeping it there. I whimpered quietly hoping he wouldn't hear, my eyes begain tear up. "If I tell you to do something you do it, understand!?" He said in a fierce tone I sniffled a bit "o-ok" I said weakly. "You will call me sir!" He said as he pulled my head away from the side only to slam it back into it. I let out sob and tears begain rolling down my face "y-yes sir" I said my voice cracking. He let go of me and locked my crate back and walked away laughing.

I curled into a ball and begain crying harder I tried to do it as quiet as possible I didn't want him hearing and coming back. My head felt wet so I reached up and touched it gently, I flinched slightly and pulled my hand away. I looked at my hand and saw thick blood it was pouring out a lot it begain dying my white clothes red. I decided to eat the food and go back to sleep, I had to eat it quickly so I wouldn't gag. After I was done I realized I felt really dizzy I laid down and my vision slowly went dark.

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