The Surprise

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Chapter Seven
Ratliff's POV

He shut her door behind him instantly regretting his decision. He was given the chance to stay with her, hold her in his arms as she fell asleep, and kiss her lips when she woke up.

He couldn't wait to make her his wife so that he could spend every moment of the rest of his life showing her off. Tomorrow couldn't come fast enough.

He descended the stairs into the living room where his new family was working happily.

He smiled at the thought of them becoming a legal family. For years he thought of the Lynch boys as the brothers he had always wanted. Rydel had started out like a sister, but over time she became much, much more.

"You lost man?" a voice shook him from his thoughts. He spun around to Rocky's smiling face.

"Did you forget where you are already?" he laughed. Ellington laughe along with the realization of how silly he must have looked staring at the floor.

"No" Ellington smiled at him, "I know right where I should be."

He followed Rocky down into the basement where he was arranging a playlist to play at the wedding.

"Wanna hear what I have so far?" Rocky asked him.

When Ellington nodded, Rocky plugged a USB into the computer and hit play.

Before long, the two were rocking out to the songs and selected new ones to add to the playlist.

"This is going to be the best rockstar wedding yet" Rocky grinned.

"You seem pretty happy about us getting married" Ellington stated, pausing the song mid guitar solo.

"Why wouldn't I be happy Ell?" Rocky asked him.

"I don't know. Isn't it weird seeing your sister marrying your best friend?"

"I don't think you get it Ellington. You're my best friend, someone who I would trust with anything. I would trust you with my life. And Rydel is my only sister; she's special, and innocent, and so susceptible for heartbreak. We trusted the wrong guy with her heart once, and we almost lost her."

Ratliff shuddered at the thought of Calum. He would do anything to rid his face from his memory forever.

"The difference being, you are already a part of our family. I trust you with my life, so that's made it so much easier for me to trust you with Rydel's. And if I'm being completely honest with you, you are the only man in the whole world who I trust with her heart, because I know you will hold it with love. So yes, I am thrilled for this wedding. Because I get to see two people I care do deeply about become one. And to me, it doesn't get any better than that."

He couldn't help but smile. He knew how close he was with Rocky, and the fact that after tomorrow they would be brothers, legally, made him smile even more.

"Now enough with the mushy stuff, come here. There is something I want to show you."

Hello lovelies!

Here is a much anticipated Rockliff scene! I love writing about their friendship! it makes me smile!!

Okay so what do you think Rocky wants to show Ell? Any guesses?

I've already written two more chapters today so they will be up in the next few days! Next one is more Rocky and Ell with the surprise Rocky has to show off!! Then the second is Delly waking up on her special day!!

Big things are happening!!

Don't forget to check out my other fanfics and follow me on Instagram @lovely_rydel!!

As always, stay beautiful my lovelies!!

I love you more than anything!!

Natalie xxxx

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