♤Not so Bad♤

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Holy crap. 206 reads?? Thank you! I know that isn't a lot compared to other writers, but it makes me so happy everytime someone views my book, as stupid as that sounds.

**also! This doesn't mean I'm back from my hiatus. I've had this draft for a while and it was almost complete so I figured I might as well have finished it for you guys. Again, I'm sorry I have to take this long a break when my book only just started.**


   "WAKE UP!"

You jumped and immediately sat up in your bed and looked around. No murderers, No fire, No being held at gunpoint. You barely had time to process anything else, before your mother spoke again.

"You're late for school. We slept in. Come on, get ready." She didn't say another word as she sped out of your room, probably to get dressed.

School day? What had you been doing for the past few days? Locking yourself in your room, you guessed that's why it seemed like only yesterday you and your mother were looking around town.

Enough thinking, gotta get ready quick. You got up and threw together an outfit, not caring if it matched or not. Leaving old clothes on the ground, you ran to the bathroom and brushed your teeth, then hair. You ran to the front door where your mother was, once again, waiting for you only to remember your phone. Due to the adrenaline rush your mother caused when you woke up, you were probably just a bit more angry than you needed to be. You loudly groaned while running back upstairs to your room, grabbing your phone and running back out the door and into the car.

Slamming the door, your mother started driving almost immediately while you sighed. This is perfect, isnt it? Late on the first day, and now you have to be stared at when you enter class and probably be asked why you were late. You sunk into your seat in pre-embarrasment and put your earbuds in.


The ride to school seemed extremely prolonged, making a pit form at the bottom of your stomach. You thought about all the possibly extremely judging people at the school. You remembered your mother mentioning the people here are most likely going to be nicer than in your old school, but you didn't really believe it. This is only a highschool after all. There is no doubt that there's gonna be people a little less than friendly.

This would sound weird to any normal person, but if this school really was what your mother wanted to make it seem, you might miss the somewhat aggressiveness your school had. Your old school, though a B-school, was one of the most hostile schools in the state. It was like nature, everybody formed packs that either thrived and became some of the more popular ones, or tried to remain unnoticeable to the previously mentioned packs.

Your eyes focused back in, only now realizing you had zoned out. You looked out of the window and saw your mother had stopped infront of the school. fffffffuck.

"Bye, hun. Have a good day."

"You too."

Putting your phone in your bag and shutting the car door behind you, you once again felt your stomach swerve at the sight of the school. You sighed, it was probably best not to procrastinate.

You quickly walked up to the two front doors and pushed them open to reveal a hall. Looking around, you saw many "welcome back to school" or "school spirit" posters cheaply made with what looked to be neon paper. Through another set of doors, you could spot a hallway with red lockers aligning the walls for almost as far as they stretched. Oh god, it smelled like school. You shut the doors behind you slowly and only now noticed the sound of loud teenagers throughout the halls.

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