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(Kisses :3)


"Kiss me."

Lucas blinked. Of course. Of fucking course. He scooted away, providing some distance between him and Adonis before sending a glare his way, "What about my rule of no touching?"

"You said I couldn't touch you without your consent, and I won't. You kiss me, I won't lay a finger on you, promise." Adonis smirked, tilting his head as Lucas continued to eye him suspiciously.

"Just a kiss?"

"Just a kiss." Adonis confirmed.

"Like a peck? Or..."

"Come now, that's not a real kiss. I showed you what a real kiss was like, remember?" Adonis raised a brow suggestively.

Lucas cringed. Of course he remembered. That was his first kiss, it wasn't something he could easily forget. And Adonis had kissed him with tongue. Tongue... Lucas shivered. Well, it's just a kiss, right? It's not like he asked you to suck his dick or something. Lucas shifted in his seat, "And you're just going to... sit there?"

"I won't do a thing, promise," He soon adds, "Not unless you want me to."

Lucas rolled his eyes. He didn't want Adonis to do anything to him, that much he was sure on. Ugh. Was he really going to do this? He swallowed the lump in his throat, "H-How long?"

"Hmm..." He ponders, "A minute?"

Lucas hesitantly agrees, "Okay, fine. I'll kiss you. But set a timer or something, I'm not going a second over."

Adonis's eyes flash with excitement as a chuckle escapes his lips. He pulls out his phone, opening up the timer. He sets it to one minute exactly and sets it on the armrest beside him, hia finger hovering over the screen, ready to press the start button. He raises his eyebrows towards Lucas who takes a deep breath. Lucas crawls back towards Adonis, coming face to face with him. He sets his hands on his thighs, shifting a little closer. He feels Adonis's breath on his face as he speaks, "No breaking the kiss, or you'll have to start all over again."

Lucas's lip twitches, "Yeah, fine." He really didn't want to start over, he just wanted to get this over with. He huffed a sigh before throwing his leg over Adonis's so he was sitting on his lap. Adonis raises his brows, pleasantly surprised. Lucas rests his hands on his shoulders, peering down into his dark azure eyes. This was just so he could get a better angle, so he wouldn't have to crane his neck.

"Okay," Lucas breathes, and Adonis's finger continues to hover over the start button. Lucas's heart was racing. He didn't know why he was so nervous. He just didn't want to mess up. He had no experience kissing somebody. He didn't know how to move his lips, what to do with his tongue? No, it was better this way. It was just a kiss, after all. Just a kiss. The intense gaze Adonis was sending him didn't help in the slightest. He clenched his teeth, just get it over with already!

He quickly crashed his lips on Adonis, and at the same time Adonis tapped the start button to begin the timer. He kept his hands to his sides as promised, his eyes open a fraction of an inch to amusedly watch Lucas struggle to form a kiss. Lucas kept his eyes closed and slid his hands up to the back of Adonis's neck. He tilted his head to match his own movements, continuing to mold his lips against Adonis's still ones. This is so awkward. Am I even doing this right? The television continued to play in the background, and that helped just the slightest bit.

Adonis opened his mouth the slightest bit, and Lucas knew he was giving in an invite. So he urged his tongue into his mouth, his tongue interlocking with his own. Lucas furrowed his brows when he felt hardness rubbing against his crotch. It didn't take him long to figure out it was a bulge. Seriously?! He's getting hard?! I need to get this over with. Lucas peeked open his eyes to look at the timer. He had twenty seconds left. His eyes flickered back, and he made the mistake of locking eyes with Adonis. His eyes were burning with lust and desire, he didn't dare look away from Lucas when he made contact. Lucas squeezed his eyes shut again and deepened the kiss. He allowed his tongue to explore his mouth as much as he could. It was wet, and warm. And it felt... so strange. He could feel his bulge throbbing against him through his pants. An image of Adonis's member flashed through his mind, and he felt his own member twitch just the slightest. No, no! I refuse to be turned on by this. It's almost over. Almost...

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