fly high guy's

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I sure you all have heard the news of Kobe bryant and his daughter Gianna Bryant on the helicopter crash. It breaks my heart the his daughter s have to grow up without  there dad and sister and his wife has to be there without her husband by her side. It hurts me so bad the people are taking to crash videos and thinking this is a joke. I mean like WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!!! How would you feel if something happened to your family members!!!!? Think about how his daughters have to grow up without there father by there side missing there games.this just gets me so angry that people are laughing about this while his freinds and family are grieving the loss of someone who inspired so many young people and hadea great family,grew up to be a great basketball player.just a imagine that the things he did for his kids. People get this thru your head we lost many people last year and now this.... Gianna had a life head she was planing on going to college  and winning the championship. Just think about when his daughters wake up in the morning and there dad is not there to comfort them thru there nightmares and wake up to walk them to school in the all my love and my family's love goes out to Kobe his daughter his family and freind and most goes out to all the lives that we're lost in the crash.💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔✊😔✊😭😭😭😭😭


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