catching up

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Janet POV   it has been one hell of year. The year haven't  started  yet  n carzy things always  happening   hearing a lot Kobe Bryant   broke my heart   that's  why u should  keep  your  family and friends  closer  to u  am here to met up wit Katrina  today I haven't  seen her in awhile   I remember  the day she was  born she was so beautiful  but things didn't   work  out  between me and  her  father  bobby  he was such asshole   hey mama  hey honey  how u been good  just dealing  with  the  kids  n stuff  am hurting  Kobe Bryant  though yeah  he was just a sweet soul    yeah  I did reach out to his wife just  to check on her  so how the grandbabies  doing  they good wit thier bad ass  they are sweet  children  sweet  ma   they break stuff  I hopefully  u not like your  grandfather  joe   I guess  spending  time  wit him  he kinda  rubbed  off on me  hell u even  rough  on me thought  yeah I can admit  I was very  strict  as a parent  growing up  in a  family  like mine there no time for that  but I also let u guys  learn from your  mistakes   I love u both  where Savannah  was more like me  u were like your  father    the only thing was u didn't  get the gip inbtween  teeth yeah think god for that she laughed  so do u v talk  yeah every  n then  am getting  older  now all that kid stuff   should  be in the  past.

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