i won't let you touch me again

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Type woke up sore. He looked with his eyes to the window. Slowly getting up he felt the pain in his jaw, wrists, neck and his lower back. Placing a hand on his jaw he rubbed it.
"Mmm." He groaned.
Hearing a gun cocked,breathing in he looked to his side. Tharn was watching him with a gun in his hand pointing it to him.
They made eye contact for a moment. Type looked down relieved he was dressed. His pants were on so was his shirt. It was open revealing his dark tanned skin.
Types eyes darted back and forth.
"Well you can stop trying to kill me."
Type froze. Tharn threw his phone at him. Type caught it and looked down.
"I squared everything away."
Type looked up seeing Nothing.
"Great." He nodded.
Slowly and sorely he started to get off the bed to get up. Tharn laughed.
Type breathed in stopping.
"We're not done here."
"What do you want?"
"Screw you." He said with gritted teeth.
Tharn started to get up, type shot him a death glare, he sat down taking a drink.
"So, did you end up getting your revenge?"
Type looked down.
"None of your business."
Tharn shot the gun in the air. Type flinched. He lowered the gun pointing it at type.
"If you think i won't shoot you think again."
Type rolled his eyes.
"Did you?"
Type gripped the bed. He nodded.
"Well then how about you leave this business and work for me?'
Type froze he looked at tharn confused which turned to anger.
"Go fuck yourself. I want nothing to do with you."
Tharn chuckled.
Type was done. He got up stumbling then he put his shoes on. Tharn looked at him bewildered he stood up.
"We're not done."
Type rolled his eyes.
"Then fucking shoot me, I'm done entertaining you."
Type walked up to tharn placing the gun to his heart. Both there lips parted.
They both stood still breathing heavily type smiled wickly. He pushed him away. Type went to the corner got his knife and 2 guns. Going to the door he froze.
"We're not done with this conversation."
Type pulled his gun out pointing it to tharns forehead.
"For someone like me who has killed, you need to stay away. And if you ever touch me again i will put this bullet in your fucking skull. Understand."
Tharn smiled.
Type rolled his eyes. He put his gun down opening the door.
Breathing deep he stopped in the doorway.
"Still friends?"
Type looked down then at tharn.
"Go to hell!"
Type left slamming the door. He walked off.
Tharn breathed out putting the gun on the desk he sat down taking another drink. He opened his phone putting in an ear bud. Tharn tapped types phone and he was already making a phone call. Walking outside he kept his head down he didn't need people seeing him.
Looking down at his phone he smiled and made a call.
"Hey did you hear the hit was?"
Type cut him off.
"Are you busy right now?"
"Um let me look."
Type heard papers rustling.
"No why?"
"Would you like to feel my mouth right now?"
Tharn gritted his teeth.
"Um yea same place?"
"No i moved section 7."
"Okay meet you now?"
"In an hour."
"See yea then."
Type hung up and threw the phone breaking it in tiny pieces. Bending down he cracked the card. Looking at it he smiled.
"Hope you like that."
Tharn balled his fists and quickly took out the ear buds. He threw he's phone to the wall. Getting up he put his fists threw the dry wall.
Type went home taking a warm shower. Lin arrived soon after. Gulf laid down on the edge of the bed looking at his new phone. Lin laid down looking at type.
"What happened to you?"
Type shrugged.
"Type your all black and blue,tell me."
"Fought with tharn."
Lins eyes narrowed. He went to type taking his head making him look at him.
"Is that why I'm here?"
Type breathed in.
He didn't want to tell lin the truth. He looked up seeing his dick dangling. Lin didn't put back on his boxers. He moved his neck up putting his limp dick that soon became hard in his mouth. Lin moaned.
"Damn it type."
Type put his phone down he put his hands on either side of lins waist pulling him to him while he looked up. Lin put his hands on types throat gently thrusting.
Type didn't feel a thing he just wanted lin to shut up.
Afterwards lin left slamming the door. Type got up looking and whipping his mouth.
Breathing in he shook his head. Getting up type got dressed and he went to a local pool to distract himself. Swimming he came up for air whipping his hair back. He didn't like using lin but he knew tharn would have tapped his phone.
He put his head on his arms looking forward.
"This will be the end of it."
But he felt something was off.
Getting out he went to the showers washing off the chlorine. He froze. Turning off the water he looked out. Not seeing anything he went to he's clothes. Getting dressed in a hurry he fumbled. Staying crotched he saw he's. Gun was gone.
Then he heard foot steps. Getting a chair he broke it getting a piece he could use. He placed it to his chest turning it around.
"I dont have all fucking night!"
Rounding the Corner he froze. Tharn was leaning on the lockers staring down.
"That was a dick move."
Types eyes narrowed he could hear foot steps behind him. Before he could react a bag was placed over his head. He's body went limp.

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